

How do local winds occur?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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pee in a cup. drink it. then yell GEORGIA

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Q: How do local winds occur?
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Related questions

Were do local winds occur?

Local winds occur on lakeshores or seashores

Do local winds only occur in one place?

Every place has its own local winds.

Where do local winds occur?

It come from North t o south

What does land do quicker than water to make local winds occur?

warms and cools

How are global winds and local find similar?

Global winds are local winds.

What are winds that depend on local changes in temperature are called?

The answer is local winds

What do local winds depend on local changes?

local winds

Winds specific to a local area are called?

---local winds

How are global winds and local winds similar?

They both have covection currents and effect the weather

What are two local winds?

Cool and Hot winds

Why do prevailing winds occur?

by pooping

What are local winds?

Local winds are winds that blow over short distances caused by unequal heating of the earths surface in a small area.