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they through hooks at each other

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Q: How do nitrogen atoms anchor protein molecules?
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What are the kinds of atom which are always present protein molecule?

hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur are the kinds of atoms always present in protein molecules

Does nitrogen gas consist of atoms or molecules?

Nitrogen gas consists of N2 molecules.

Are not molecules?

Oxygen, hydrogen , nitrogen atoms etc. are not molecules .

How does bacteria help plants?

They prepare nitrogen atoms from nitrogen molecules.

Would six molecules of laughing gas contain twelve nitrogen atoms?

Yes. Laughing gas is N2O, and every molecule has two nitrogen atoms. Therefore, six molecules would have twelve nitrogen atoms.

Which element contains protein?

Elements are pure substances, consisting of atoms. They do not contain proteins. Proteins are molecules consisting of a chain of atoms.

how do bacteria help plants grow?

they prepare nitrogen atoms from nitrogen molecules

How many atoms are found in 9 molecules of nitrogen gas?

At standard temperature and pressure, nitrogen contains two atoms per molecule. Therefore 9 molecules contain 18 atoms.

Is nitrogen an element made of molecules?

Nitrogen is an element, and two nitrogen atoms make up a nitrogen molecule.

Are nitrogen molecules Smaller than butane molecule?

Yes, nitrogen molecules are smaller than butane molecules. Nitrogen molecules consist of two nitrogen atoms, while butane molecules consist of four carbon and ten hydrogen atoms. Carbon atoms are slightly smaller than nitrogen atoms, but four of them are definitely larger than two nitrogen atoms, and of course, there are also the ten hydrogen atoms, and although hydrogen atoms are the smallest type of atom, if you have ten of them it does contribute to the size of the molecule. Further to this, the distance between bonds will be smaller in N2 as this is a triple bond because of 3 shared electrons each, whereas it is single bonds between the carbons, elongating the bonds between carbons

Why is nitrogen fixation necessary?

Most plants use single nitrogen atoms, not N2 molecules.

Nitrogen gas consists of what?

Nitrogen is composed of molecules each containing two nitrogen atoms