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change from white to brown

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Q: How do snowshoe rabbits survive in different types of weather?
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How do people survive to the different weather disaster?

By doing their best to success and survive the weather disasters ..

What is the cottontail rabbits climate?

Wild rabbits live all over the world. Different species live in different kinds of weather. Domestic rabbits were bred from wild European Rabbits who lived in dry Mediterranean weather (not too hot, not too cold). Hot weather, cold weather, and wet and windy weather can be life-threatening for pet rabbits. See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

Can a chihuahua survive cold weather?

Yes they can survive in cold weather.

How do animals survive in the Antarctic weather?

Different animals have different ways of surviving the Antarctic weather. For some it might be their thick coat of fur or simply huddling together in a group.

Do rabbits get cold easily?

no, mine loves sitting in front of the fan, any setting.

What temperatures can pet rabbits live in?

Well, they cannot be in very cold weather. Most rabbits are kept at room temperature or a minimum of fifty five degrees. If you have a rabbit in one climate for a while, or long enough for the rabbit to get used to that temperature, keep the rabbit in that temperature as much as possible. Rabbits can't handle drassic or epic weather changes all of a sudden, they have very weak hearts. So I guess the short answer would be 55-70 degrees. And try not to make that much of a temperature leap than the last location. :) hope I helped, and good luck.

What kind of climate do rabbits typically like?

white rabbits like cold weather.. dark furred rabbits like warm tempertures

What type of weather does a sheep need to survive?

nice weather

How do rabbits predict weather?

if they see trees fall over

Can a kitten survive in 10 degree weather?

No. Even A cat cannot survive in 10 degree whether. therefore a kitten will die of respiratory paralysis in 10 degree weather.