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An electromagnet uses an electric current flowing through a wire. That current creates a magnetic field around the wire and is the basis for Ampereâ??s circuital law. In electromagnet can be amplified by both increasing the charge, and also wrapping the wire around a soft metal like iron.
By electricy i think

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When a magnet is moved near an electrical conductor (usually a coil of wire), it excites electrons in the conductor. This happens because the magnet is polarized, meaning one side has a negative and one a positive charge, and this charge attracts or repels electrons in the conductor. The motion of the electrons is electricity.

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When is magnetism lost in an electromagnet?

Magnetism is lost in an electromagnet when the electricity is turned off.

What is the synonyms of electromagnet?

Combo of electricity and magnetism

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Is electromagnets are natural magnets?

The magnetism of an electromagnet is natural (it comes out of the laws of physics), but the magnetism disappears when the electricity is turned off - it is not a permanent magnetism.

Did Michael Faraday invent magnetism?

No. but he used an electromagnet to make discoveries about electricity.

Does electromagnet produce electricity or use electricity?

It doesn produce electricity. It uses electricity and shows magnetic properties.

What relationship does electricity and magnetism have with each other?

they both produce electricity.

Can you produce electricity even without magnetism?

yes we can produce electricity without magnetism by using semiconductor for example photo diode is used in solar cells.

Who demonstrated that magnetism can produce electricity?

Micheal Farraday

How do electrons produce elctricity?

The movement of free electrons is' electricity. So electrons can not produce electricity; but it is produced by magnetism.

How do electricity and magnetism produce movement?

Well, electricity and magnetism are not the same. Electricity is the movement of free electrons in a material, while magnetism is a field in space that has direction and magnitude. In fact, you can create electricity with magnetism and motion. and you can make magnetism with electricity and motion. And for your knowledge you can create motion with electricity and magnetism. It is a law of nature, like gravity.

What will increasing the electric current to an electromagnet do to its magnetism?

An increasing electric current moving into an electromagnet will become stronger in its magnetism. As the atoms align the increasing magnetism will stop at one point, making the electromagnet as strong as it can be.