

How does silicon become stable?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Elements get stable only when it completes electron octate in its outermost orbit. Elements make compounds with other elements to gain or reduce electrons to get stability. silicon make bonds with oxygen and make silicon dioxide to get stable.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Silicon becomes stable by sharing electrons. It has 4 valence electrons.

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7y ago

Silicon is a stable element.

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silicon's atomic number is 14 so, its electron configuration is 2.8.4, the third shell needs 4 more electrons to make it 8 and to become stable. ---> so the answer is 4.

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Four: All of its valence electrons. If a silicon atom loses four electrons, it has the stable electron configuration of neon, while if the atom gains four electrons it has the stable electron configuration of argon. A silicon atom can also form a stable compound, as contrasted with a stable electron configuration for a single atom, by sharing four electrons with one or more other atoms.

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If I remember correctly, it would be silicon carbide.

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With Carbon and Silicon both in the 4A column, there are too many ions to gain or lose. They instead share, to be more stable.