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In simplest terms adding any solute to will increase the osmolarity of the solution. Omolarity is a measure of the the number of moles of a solute that will contribute to the osmotic pressure of the solution per unit of volume.

In a swimming pool chlorine is usually added in the form of Calcium hypochlorite or a similar salt. However normally the salt is added at about 2ppm (parts per million). This corresponds to a concentration of about 14 nanomolar. As both Calcium and hypochlorite ions contribute to osmotic pressure this means that the total osmolarity is 28 nano-osmoles per litre. This is not very much when compared to the osmolarity of cells and extracellular fluid - about 290 mOsm/l.

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Q: How does the addition of chlorine to the pool water change its osmolarity?
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Yes. Chlorine is an addition to drinking water supplies to help kill bacteria. It is not necessary for the water to be drinkable but the chlorine stops many diseases from spreading and so for general public healt it is common practice. There have been a great many studies done about whether or not the addition of chlorine to drinking water causes birth defects or other health-related problems.

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Kills microorganisms in the water, preventing the spread of disease.

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How is chloride used in everyday life?

Chloride is the ion, Cl-. There is chloride in sodium chloride, which is salt. In addition, bleach contains chlorine. The water in a pool also has chlorine.

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Dissolution, meaning dissolving into a liquid form. It is a chemical reaction that begins with water covering a corner of the salt. The corner chlorine starts to leave the crystal and water bonds form. As the chlorine leaves more water molecules are left behind. The chlorine becomes fully solvated then the salt does the same.

What is breaking point?

Break point chlorination refers to the continuous addition of chlorine to the water until the chlorine enquiry is met and all present ammonia is oxidized. Once the break point is reached, only free chlorine remains.