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a cumulonimbus cloud usually stops growing at 20,000 feet up in the air.

in extreme cases they can rise above 75,000 feet

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Q: How high can a cumulonimbus go up to?
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How big is cumulonimbus?

15 kilometers high.

Do high level clouds produce hail and tornadoes?

No. Cumulonimbus clouds do. These clouds are low-based and tower up to mid and high levels.

How high a cumulonimbus cloud?

from 6500 to 60000 feet

How high does a tornado go?

A tornado can range in height from as little as 5,000 feet to as much as 60,000.

Explain why a cumulonimbus cloud is not considered to be a low middle or high cloud?

Cumulonimbus clouds span the entire distance from low to high altitude, and so do not fit into any of the three height classifications.

Do high clouds produce hail and tornadoes?

No. Cumulonimbus do. The clouds are low-based and high-topped.

What cloud builds up vertically in the atmosphere?


How high are cumulonimbus clouds?

39,000 feet and higher6,500 ft to 60,000 ft

What are cumulonimbus clouds composed of?

Cumulonimbus clouds are high clouds. The contain a large amount of moisture throughout and ice crystals at the top of the clouds. Strong convection currents and heavy winds are found in these clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds produce lightening and hail.

Are contrails similar to cumulonimbus clouds?

No. Contrails are long, narrow, thin clouds left by aircraft at high altitude. Cumulonimbus clouds are enormous, thick, towering storm clouds.