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Plants are the air-purifiers for planet earth. They clean it, and in doing so produce the oxygen we, and all animals need to survive. This happens through one of the most amazing chemical reactions you can imagine, photosynthesis. More on this a bit further down, but as a lead in to the story we'll ask a question whose answer may astound you... Imagine the largest tree you've ever seen (even in a picture) - where does the matter come from that forms the mass of wood, branches and leaves?

The earth itself is a "closed system" in that it produces everything it needs to ensure the survival and development of its inhabitants. Within the system there is a delicate balance that must be maintained. In the page below we will explore one relationship within that balance, the air-purifying plants, man and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). We'll do so looking at things most of us use everyday as examples of mans part in this relationship (as a producer of CO2).

At present there is much debate about people's impact on the planet. This debate is most pronounced in the discussions around global warming and our responsibility for the continued increase in CO2 and other "greenhouse gases" released into, and consolidating in, the earth's atmosphere. Tying in directly to this problem are topics such as deforestation and the 1994 Kyoto protocols.

When you look around, it's a bit hard to comprehend we are really the newcomers on the planet. We've built so much and seem to be expanding everywhere. With our building and expansion, we use ever more fossil fuel to run our homes, our cars and the planes we fly in. Burning these fuels creates CO2 as one byproduct of the process. Even the batteries that run our cell phones, Ipods and other gadgets use electricity for charging, which in most instances creates more CO2.

As it turns out, CO2 is also a very important gas in the life processes. Plants use CO2 in the chemical process mentioned above, photosynthesis.

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