

How is electricity generated?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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6y ago

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Electricity generation is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, a scientific law that was discovered by British scientist Michael Faraday and American scientist Joseph Henry in 1831. The principle states that when an electric conductor, such as a copper wire, is moved through a magnetic field, electric current will flow through the conductor. The mechanical energy of the moving wire is converted into the electric energy. Faraday and Henry found that when you move a magnet in a coil of wire, electric current is generated.

Faraday's law of induction shows that a moving magnetic field will cause electrons to move. Generators create electron movement in the copper wire coils contained within by moving them through a magnetic field.

Generator magnets apply pressure to the electrons to push them and create a flow or current of electricity. The number of moving electrons is called the amperage or the current and is measured in amps. The pressure pushing the electrons is called the voltage and is measured in volts.

A generator is basically created by a mechanical force that turns a conductive wire or bar within a magnetic field. The force used to spin the conductive object can be provided by many sources, such as moving water, steam, wind, gas engine or even hand-cranked levers. The electricity then flows into an electric motor or other electric-powered device, which reverses the process and the electricity makes it move. Small generators create a magnetic field with permanent magnets. Larger generators create a magnetic field with a set of metal coils with electric current flowing through them; this is an electromagnet.

In simpler terms, when a copper wire passes through a magnetic field (anywhere near a magnet) the coppers electrons all start moving in the same direction. This will be one of two directions, depending on which end of the magnet is closer. As the magnet goes by the wire, electrons "chase" the magnet and flow down the copper wire, thus creating electrical power. If only one side of the magnet goes by the copper wire over and over, these electrons will only move in one direction. This form of power is called direct current (Electrons are flowing only one way). If the magnet rotates, the electrons will move in both directions. This is what you get from your wall and is called Alternating current (AC). Tesla is the man responsible for this concept and much of the modern power systems we take for granted.





Electricity is hard to explain because it is something we cannot see. It is unlikely that anyone will ever properly see electricity because the electrons, which it is made of, are so small. Electricity truly is an 'invisible force'.

But we can see what electricity does - the results of electricity's power - and we can understand it best by understanding how it is made and how it is used.

Everything in the world is electrical because all matter in the world - including the human body - is made up of atoms, and every atom is made up of a number of electrons and protons which are 'particles' of electricity. Once we have generated electricity we can make it do almost anything for us. Although electricity can be produced in many ways including natural sources (lightning, nerve impulses, static electricity) the major useful source for human consumption is mechanical power generation.

Electricity is typically generated by rotating a wire coil through a fixed magnetic field, using the kinetic energy to induce a current in the wire. Any source of mechanical energy can be used to spin a generator or alternator.

Mechanical sources include:

  • Burning of fuels (coal, gas, oil, biofuel, trash) to generate steam which is used to turn turbines which power generators which create electricity
  • Fuels (gas, oil) burned in internal combustion engines or turbines which power generators
  • Hydroelectric power (water from waterfalls or dams) which turns turbines
  • Wave and tidal power which uses the natural motion of water as the motive force for turbines as above
  • Wind power to spin turbines as above.
  • Nuclear power where the fission of radioactive materials provides heat to create steam which is used to turn turbines

Non-generator sources of electricity are:

  • Solar power where photoelectric cells directly turn sunlight to electricity
  • Fuel cells that create electricity directly from chemical reactions
  • Batteries that create electricity directly from chemical reactions

A coil of copper wire passing through a magnetic field will generate an electric current in the wire. This is the basis of the generating stations.
Electrical power is usually generated by electro-mechanical generators driven by steam produced from fossil fuel combustion, or the heat released from nuclear reactions; or from other sources such as kinetic energy extracted from wind or flowing water.
Electricity can be formed by:

1) Friction - static electricity

2) Magnetism - a conductor crossing a magnetic field

3) Chemical - stored charge in a battery

4) Light - solar panels

5) Pressure - some crystals under pressure will produce minute potentials, this electricity is called piezoelectric

6) Heat - a thermocouple is when to dissimilar metals are joined, when heated they will produce electricity
Electricity is formed due to the accumulation of electrons.
It is made with a generator. It exists in nature as static electricity such as lightening or the spark made when rubbing wool on metal or plastic.
Electricity can be made several ways; from steam, combustion gases or water, but all of these methods involve a turbine to concert kinetic energy into electrical energy. The turbine moves a magnet around a wire, which electrifies the wire. Then transformers are used to push the electricity on down the line away from the generator.
turbine inside hydro-electric dam

PN junction in a solar panel

turbine inside coal factory smokestack
Electricity is made from Magnets!

In the early 1800s, Michael Faraday discovered "electromagnetic induction", which is the scientific way of saying that if he moved a magnet through a loop of wire, the wire would become electrified.

In 1882, Thomas Edison opened the first full-scale power plant in New York City. Edison's electric generator was a bigger version of Faraday's basic experiment; a big magnet rotates around a wire to produce an electric current.

Today's power plants are bigger and controlled by computers, but the basic process is still the same as it was nearly 120 years ago.
According to Faradys laws................ refer working of can get better realization.

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12y ago

Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the flow of charged particles, such as protons and electrons. The flow of these particles need to be in a closed circuit or the energy will escape into space.

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13y ago

When you hear the phrase the Electric Company you probably do not think about the educational show that used to appear on PBS in the afternoons after Sesame Street. If you are old enough to remember this show, you probably remember it had one of the scariest endings of any kid's show in history. When adults use this phrase, they usually refer to the company that sends them their electric bill.

Most electricity in the United States is produced in coal-burning power plants. The process for producing electricity is the same in coal, nuclear, and other plants where a fuel gets burned or used. The reaction heats water. The water turns into steam and the steam ascends to the turbines. The steam turns the turbines, and the electromagnets in the turbines generate electricity. Hydroelectric and wind generating plants still use the turbine, but do not require a large use of water.

Although many people think the electric company is out solely to make money, this is not entirely true. Many electric companies support environmental efforts and will help find ways for home owners to reduce their energy costs. It is true that making money is the primary function for most corporations. Electric companies usually have a government-granted monopoly in the areas they serve. Allowing multiple plants to operate would cause the area to become crowded with poles and other utilities. The same is also true for phone companies and internet service providers. Phone companies provide DSL service because DSL goes over the normal phone lines.

When it comes time to mail the bill, the electric company no longer has to send someone out to read the meters. Most companies are capable of measuring this information remotely. Many older homes still have meters, and some people use them to monitor their own energy usage and guess the amount of their bill. Competition has forced many companies to drive their prices down.

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11y ago

Electricity is generated by rotating of electrons in the good conductor of electricity.

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