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Man is polluting the are by the gases, littering, and the factories that are around. The greatest type of pollutes is the factory gases.

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Q: How is man polluting the Environment?
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What are examples of man polluting his environment?

driving a car

What are of human environments?

an environment which is man made . for example , a city , a factory man polluting planet answer MONEY

What modification man has made in environment?

man has changed the environment by cutting trees, cutting forests, destroying homes of animals, digging for more minerals, polluting water resources, etc.

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by polluting

What can be caused by humans changing the environment?

humans can change the environment by polluting. Polluting can cause animals dieing or making the soil poisons. It can also cause the water to be poisons too.

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Uranium is a possible polluting agent of the natural environment.

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Using sewing machines uses electricity which means you are polluting the environment.

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polluting the environment and it's bad for our health.

How do you conserve clean air?

by not polluting the environment by air water and soil

Why are people polluting parks?

Most people litter witch is bad for our parks and environment! I think about 50% of the people don't know it's polluting!

How are humans helping Costa Rica's environment?

recycling and some are not polluting the area

How do cars effect the enviorment?

cars affect the environment with gasses polluting the air