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Pollution affects marine life as it might kill them.Such as tortoise likes to eat jellyfish but when a plastic bag float in the water,it look like jelly fish.The tortoise will eat the 'jellyfish' and choke,some even choke to death!

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Pollution in our oceans can harm marine life in various ways, such as through ingestion of plastic debris leading to choking or starvation, habitat destruction from chemicals and oil spills, and disruption of marine ecosystems. These impacts can contribute to declining populations of species, loss of biodiversity, and overall ecosystem degradation.

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12y ago

It affect their food supllys and their ability to grow For instance added CO2 in the atmosphere is icreacing the acidity of the water which in turn robs shell fish of calcium for their shells

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14y ago

it may kill ocean animals

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Q: How is pollution affecting our marine life?
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Do hydrologist studies the effects of pollution on marine life?

Hydrologists primarily study the distribution, circulation, and properties of Earth's water. While they may indirectly study the effects of pollution on marine life through water quality assessments, the direct impact on marine life falls more within the realm of marine biologists or environmental scientists specializing in marine ecosystems.

How does pollution and humans affect tides?

Pollution, such as plastic waste and oil spills, can harm marine life and ecosystems, affecting the abundance and distribution of organisms that contribute to tidal patterns. Human activities like sea walls and land reclamation can disrupt natural coastal processes, altering tides and increasing the risk of flooding in some areas.

Most severe ocean pollution?

The most severe forms of ocean pollution include oil spills, plastic pollution, and chemical waste discharge. These types of pollution can have devastating effects on marine life, ecosystems, and human health, making them critical issues that require urgent attention and action.

Why do we study marine science?

We study marine science to better understand and protect the world's oceans, which are essential to all life on Earth. It helps us address important issues like climate change, marine pollution, overfishing, and conservation of marine biodiversity. Studying marine science also provides insights into the relationships between marine ecosystems and human societies.

What type of pollution is caused by sewage and can close your beaches?

Sewage pollution can introduce harmful bacteria, viruses, and pathogens into the water, leading to unsafe swimming conditions and beach closures. This pollution can pose risks to human health and the environment, impacting marine life and ecosystems.

Related questions

What is a biotic factors affecting marine life?

Pollution, Oil spills, Overfishing and ocean currents

What are the problems caused by marine pollution?

Marine pollution kills life in seas

How is polution affecting starfish?

Pollution effects all sea life in one way or other. For starfish, marine biologists have learned that their breathing pores often become clogged.

What are alternative methods for marine life pollution?

clean up pollution

Ialogue on noise pollution?

Marine Noise Pollution Silent Socratic Dialogue, students learn about the history of marine noise pollution and its effects on marine life, particularly cetaceans.

What will happen if we don't stop marine pollution?

We may start to see a decrease in marine life population due to poisoning caused by the pollution.

What pollution is produced by a wave power station?

Wave power stations produce minimal pollution compared to traditional fossil fuel power plants. However, they can have some environmental impacts such as disturbance to marine ecosystems by altering water flow and affecting marine life. Additionally, the construction and maintenance of wave power stations can create noise pollution and produce carbon emissions from the use of construction materials and equipment.

Can the pollution cause marine life to mutate?

it depends if it has chemical in it.

How do humans affect marine life like sponges?

Humans can affect marine sponges through activities such as pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction. Pollution can introduce harmful chemicals into the water that can impact sponge health. Overfishing can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem, affecting sponge populations. Habitat destruction, such as dredging or bottom trawling, can directly damage sponge habitats.

Is water pollution good?

No it is not. It harms the environment and kills marine life. If you think water pollution is good, it's not.

What are the impacts of human life on marine life?

Human activities such as pollution, overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change have significant impacts on marine life. These activities can lead to declines in fish populations, destruction of coral reefs, and disruption of marine ecosystems. Additionally, marine life can be harmed by plastic waste, oil spills, and noise pollution from human activities.

Do hydrologist studies the effects of pollution on marine life?

Hydrologists primarily study the distribution, circulation, and properties of Earth's water. While they may indirectly study the effects of pollution on marine life through water quality assessments, the direct impact on marine life falls more within the realm of marine biologists or environmental scientists specializing in marine ecosystems.