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Governments are not getting money, they are spending money. Global warming is no hoax and governments have to spend money if there is any way of stopping it.

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Q: How is the government getting money from the global warming hoax?
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Who is going to make money from global warming?

Appearently no one sence no one has even atempted to answer it , and its been up for days

How much money has been spent on arguing if Global Warming is real or is it fake?

Several billion has been spent on determining whats causing global warming. Scientist are paid through grants from the federal government to find out whats causing the warming and if their is an immediate threat. And 98% concluded that global warming is man made and we are in great danger. While only several million has been spent (by major oil corporations) to debunk the findings and make people think it's just natural and we shouldn't be alarmed. So, most debunker's want you to believe that since the Oil corporations are paying people off, to make up lies, that the government is also paying off their scientist as well to make up the facts, even though the scientist are not being paid by the government to determine if it is man mad or not. The federal government has no stake in global warming being true or not true. They will get sponsored regardless. While big oil corporations only care about one thing and one thing only, and that's making a profit. Every debunker's argument wants you to think that just because we have cold weather in the winter that global warming is a farce. They don't want you to realize, that it means the winters are gonna be colder. And the summers are gonna be hotter. And the weather (Hurricanes, Torandos, Floods, etc.) is gonna be far worse then usual.

If you could invent something that would stop global warming what would it be?

A magical way of capturing all the carbon released from mining and burning coal and oil and storing it somewhere so it will stay locked up forever and not go into the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Then the world can go on burning coal for ever. It could be called "Carbon capture" or "Clean Coal". Several scientists are already spending lots of government money trying to find this magic answer. The time and the money will run out before they invent anything.

Does global warming occur in other countries?

Some countries will benefit. For example, the heating could cause some Crops to evolve, and new ones to grow. Also, because it will get warmer in some countires, they would get more tourist, which means more money for that country

What are the key points on the effects of global warming?

Polar ice caps melting: The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger. Beach erosion, low countries flooded, economic cost of repair and prevention.Economic consequences: Most of the effects of anthropogenic global warming won't be good. And these effects spell one thing for the countries of the world: economic consequences. Hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat, changes in agricultural practices to continue to provide food will be expensive and control and conflicts exacerbate all of these.Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves: Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe, with millions at risk of starvation.Warmer waters and more hurricanes: As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw in this in 2004 and 2005.Spread of disease: As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing disease to humans and agriculture.

Related questions

How does global warming have an impact on barrier islands?

Theres no such thing as global warming, its a way for the government to get more money out of the people. So therefore, you question is not able to be solved. Thank you

Where does Al Gore get his money?

From lying about how humans caused global warming

Does the government benefit from Global Warming being a hoax?

Governments are spending vast amounts of money all over the world to encourage renewable energy technologies because the believe that global warming is a serious problem. Governments and citizens will benefit from cleaner air, and renewable energy, and greener cars and transport. Citizens will be happy with the government!

Why does Brad Pitt care about globalwarming?

he warming is about "money", as u know the government always creates BS up for money otherwise don't u think that 10 years back global warming wasnt all that crazy? they make u believe evreything is as is and most of the people buy it..and promoters like brad pitt and Leo di caprio are just promoting it for the government....

Is there a cure for global warming?

there hasn't been a cure for global warming yet but they are trying to make one without paying much money but honestly I don't think there is one.

What are the environment facts people should know?

Global warming theory is a lie and cars are not destroying the environment. <<>> Global warming is happening and the oil companies spend a lot of money on TV commercials to claim it isn't happening.

What are the economic losses due to pollution?

The more polution there is, the more danger we are in due to global warming. Global Warming causes more storms, and with more storms more buildings and cars get damaged. If more cars get damaged, then we have to keep on making money, and the more money we make the more chaos is caused in Earth. If we took care of the Earth and our surroundings, then Global Warming wouldn't excist and we wouldn't have to worry so much.

What is global warming and how is it hurting our planet?

global warning is a stupid theory Al Gore made up to make money for no reason at doesn't exist

Why do we know the answer for global warming but not do anything about it?

Human greed for money and exploitation of resources does not permitt us to change our lifestyle

Is the government really just using Global Warming to get money or is it true?

If governments want our money, there are better ways of doing it than talking about global warming. In fact, many governmentes in countries areound the world are spending a lot of their money to help solve what they see as a serious problem. Some governments have implemented a carbon credits auction system, but often use the revenue raised to compensate individuals for price increases that could result, thus foregoing revenue opportunities. Global warming is true.A:The government does want your money. They want it in the from of carbon credits. This means they want to charge industry for the amount of discharge according to that industries air permits as filed with the Environmental Protection Agency. Once they gain that revenue they will move toward the commercial businesses and will charge them for any air discharges that the business creates. This will range from any power equipment down to the toilets they flush. Finally, they will go after the residential and agriculture, charging those residents and farmers for exhaust emitted from the cars, tractors, farm equipment, power tools, cooking stoves, gas grills, etc. The farmers will also have to estimate the flatulence of their stock and it will also be subjected to the global warming tax. Fact is, there is no credible evidence of global warming.

Why is the government spending so much money on war when there is problems with global warming?

There is no real objective answer to this question. Just peoples views. Some believe the war is more important, some don't. If you believe you know which is more important, run for a government position that will enable you to change what is going on.

How does the global financial crisis relate to global warming?

Well... Governments among other seem to profit from both ie. Glodbal warming; Expensiv BS taxes and more expensive "green" products. Financial crisis; this may seem like a loss ie. Bank fails, Government bails out and natianolizes the bank wich ofcourse costs millions. The real gain here is the government gained ownership of the freshly bailed out bank. And from looking at the Feds I guess that having more money (or faking it) gets you a really nice tux,car,money smile and everything.