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Most tornadoes don't pick up, kill , or injure anyone. When it does happen it is usually no more than a few people; most tornado deaths are from being hit o crushed by debris. Exact figure are difficult to determine as this is not the sort of thing of which extensive records are kept.

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Q: How many people get sucked up by a tornado?
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What are the weirdest thing sucked up by tornado?

Some of the weirdest things that have been sucked up by tornadoes include cars, animals, and household items like furniture and appliances. In some rare cases, tornadoes have even picked up and carried heavy objects like trees or roofs for miles.

Where do people go when they get sucked up by a tornado?

you practically don't go anywhere you just get blown away

How do you use the word sucked in a sentence?

The tornado sucked the car right up into the air. The vortex below those rapids sucked my canoe right out from under me!

Who were the famous pair to get sucked up in their house by a tornado in their sleep?

Tom and kelly

Who were the famous pair to get sucked up in the their house by a tornado while they slept?

Dorothy and Toto

Who were the famous pair sucked up in their house by a tornado while they slept?

Dorothy and Toto

Why does the air near a tornado vortex get sucked into it?

Air is continuously moving up in a tornado. This means that air surrounding the tornado must move in to replace the rising air.

Would you die if you jumped in a tornado?

It can be. However, some people have been sucked up by tornadoes and tossed just fine somewhere else. I hope you enjoy flying!

How does objects being sucked into a tornado occur?

Air in and near a tornado spirals inward and upward very rapidly. The strong winds can pick up objects to carry with them.

Why can material be sucked up into a tornado?

A tornado has low pressure at its center and a powerful updraft. As a result air rapidly rushes inward and upward, sometimes carrying things with it.

Why do things get sucked up into a tornado?

Objects get sucked up into a tornado due to the low pressure at the center of the vortex, which creates a strong upward suction force. This force can lift and carry debris, dust, and even larger objects into the funnel cloud.

Can you survive if you get sucked into a tornado?

If you are picked up by a tornado it is most likely that you will be thrown by it and most likely die on impact. However, in a few cases people have survived being carried by tornadoes with only minor injuries.