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20-30 years ago they called it global cooling. it has more to do with politics and liberal looneys


Over the past 650K years we KNOW that the planet has had at least four similar patterns. These happen every 125K years, with this warming cycle starting about 10,000 years ago and the least warm of the five (four previous and this cycle).

We know that the warming appears to be aligned with planetary movement. When all major planets are on the same side of the sun, we see a far less elliptical orbit of our planet. This coupled with the angle of our planet, in relationship to the sun and the solar activity itself makes determining what is normal for our planet very difficult. We can say though that we should be near the peak of the 125K year cycle in terms of warming.

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Where is the Earth Affected by Global Warming?

Global Warming can affectthe Earth in many ways and everywhere!

How old is global warming?

The theory of global warming became popular in the early 70's. As for how old actual global warming is, is debatable. Some argue that global warming is a natural cycle the earth goes through every so many centuries.

How Many scientists don't believe in global warming?

Not many. Most (97% of) climate scientists agree that the earth is warming and that humans are causing global warming by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.

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nothing scientists made it up to stop global warming

How many years before the earth gets destroyed from global warming?

The earth will never be destroyed by global warming. Life on earth might be destroyed, if we don't make serious efforts to stop global warming. Venus has temperatures of over 460C (860F) with an atmosphere full of carbon dioxide. The planet still exists, but there is no chance of life.

Is greenhouse effect is the other name of global warming?

Strictly speaking there is no other name for global warming."The whole earth heating up" might be another name.Global warming is causing climate change, so many people think they are both the same, so they say:"Climate change is another name for global warming", but they are not really the same.

Is global warming as bad as other natural phenomenon?

i think it is bad as it is raising the sea level which can result sinking of land the name 'global warming' says that heating of the earth which can result in perishing many living organisms.hence global warming is very bad.

How many pages does The Discovery of Global Warming have?

The Discovery of Global Warming has 240 pages.

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The Real Global Warming Disaster has 368 pages.

What are the side effects for Global Warming for man kind?

There are so many side effects to man kind from global warming. Here is the biggest side effect:;If global warming continues for a longer time, it could make the planet inhabitable and force all life to either become extinct, or if technology allows, move off of earth. Think of earth as a slow heating oven.

Is both global environment and global warming is same?

Not quite, though they are very closely connected. Global warming is the warming of the earth. This is causing climate change, which is the many different changes in climate that are beginning to happen.

Are there politicians that don't believe in global warming?

Yes. Many politicians, mostly conservatives, do not believe in global warming.