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Q: How many valence electrons does Rb rubidium have?
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Which other elements contain the same number of outer electrons as potassium?

All the elements in the first column of the periodic table have 1 valence electron.They include: lithium (Li), sodium (Na), postassium (K), rubidium (Rb),cesium (Cs), and Francium (Fr).See the Related Questions for more information.

What is Rb2Cr2O7?

Rb- RubidiumCr2O7 - dichromateRubidium dichromate

What is the chemical formula for rubidium nitrate?

These are the ions and their charges: Rb+1 N-3The charges have to add up to zero, so two +1 Rb ions were added to cancel out the -3 charge of N: Rb+1 Rb+1 Rb+1 N-3Simplify: Rb3N

Which other elements contain the same number of outer electrons as sodium and what is the chemical symbols?

Lithium, Rubidium, Cesium, Francium. Li , Rb , Cs, and Fr

How does rubidium form an ion?

in the same way as sodium/potassium forms an ion. Lithium has an electron configuration of 2,1 Sodium has an electron configuration of 2,8,1, Potassium has an electron configuration of 2,8,8,1 Rubidium has an electron configuration of 2,8,8,18,1 Caesium has the electron configuration of 2,8,8,18,18,1 Notice in all cases the last number is '1'. This represents the outer most electron, shell with one electron. Since it is the outer most electron and is shielded by energy shells of electrons from the nucleus, this outer most electron is not strongly held to the atom. The atom readily releases this outermost electron , and the process is called ionisation. Chemically it is represented by the formula M(g) = M^+(g) + e^- NB 'M' is an ATOM 'M^+' is an ION (Not an atom).

Related questions

How many valence electrons do Rb have?

Rubidium has one valence electron in the 5s orbital.

How many electrons are in the outermost shell for sodium and cesium?

For group 1 elements : lithium , sodium, potassium...etc All of them have one valence electrons , however Rubidium(Rb) have two valence electrons. Therefore, Cesium have one valence electrons. :D

How many valence electrons does Rb have?

1 -apex

How many 5s electrons are in Rb sublevel?

Rubidium has one 5s electron.

What period is the element rb in the periodic table?

Rb is the symbol for the element, rubidium.

Rank from most to fewest valence electrons- Sb In Rb Xe?

Sb has 5 valence electrons, In has 3, Rb has 1 valence electron and Xe has 8. So in ranking, it would be, Xe, Sb, In, Rb.

How many electrons do Rb have?

Rubidium (Rb) has a +1 ion, will have the same electron configuration as krypton (Kr) because the +1 status means it has lost an electron. The configuration is written 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6.

How many valence electrons are contained in an atom of Rb?

1: This is the correct answer for any element in wide form Periodic Table Group 1.

What is the ionic formula for Rubidium and chlorine?

Rubidium is a group 1 metal with just one valence electron. It therefore forms the ion Rb+ as it loses the electron. The ionic formula is Rb+ Cl-

What is Rb's number of protons?

There is actually 37 Protons in Rb (Rubidium). Also there is the same number of protons as electrons. So 37 for protons and electrons. (: Your welcome little kid.

Why does ribidium react with water?

Rubidium has only one valence electron which it loses easily to form the Rb+ ion. When rubidium atoms come in contact with water, they hive up those electrons to the water molecules, reducing them to hydroxide ions (OH-) and hydrogen gas (H2)

The alkali metals have how many valence electrons?