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many thousands of years

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Q: How many years are necessary to turn the sediment into sedimentary rock?
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How is sedimentary rock fomed?

Sedimentary rock is rock that has been left like a sediment for many years as the name says... There are three types of rock and sedimentary rock is the second type. The other two are:Igneous rockMetamorphic rock

A sedimentary rock is 2 m thick. How many years did it take for this layer to form if an average of 4 mm of sediment accumulated per year?

500 years

How are sedimentary formed?

when the bits of the rocks get deposited it forms layers after many years these layers of sediment gets cementated which means gets squashed and compacted which means gets glued and they forms in to sedimentary rocks.thanks for reading

What does sedimeantary mean?

Sedimentary is the result of sedimentation For instance sediment in water is material that has sunk to the bottom andsettled these could be sand rock bio materials. in the case of sedimentary rock this mixture gets compressed over the years and becomes sedimentary rock. there are many different types of sedimentary rock.

Where would you expect to find the oldest sedimentary?

Main locations of sedimentary rock is at the bottom of a water source such as an ocean.As rivers flow to the sea, they may carry mud, sand, pebbles, and boulders along the way. The river drops this material, called sediment, into the sea. As layers of sediment build up over a period of many years, the great pressure of all these layers changes the sediment into sedimentary rock. Therefor you might be able to find sedimentary rock at the bottom of the ocean or a lake or river.

A layer of sedimentary rock is 2 meters thick how many years did it take for this layer to form if an average of 4 millimeters of sediment accumulated per year?

It is impossible to derive an answer from the information provided. At first glance it would appear that the answer would be 500 years; in actuality, the sediments that created the sedimentary rock would have been substantially compressed during the lithification process, resulting in a rock thickness that was less than the initial sediment thickness, depending on the type of sediment.

What rock are sedimentary rocks?

Many sedimentary rocks are made from the broken bits of other rocks. These are called clast sedimentary rocks. The broken bits of rocks are called sediment. Sediment is the sand you find at the beach, the mud in a lake bottom, the pebbles in a river, and even the dust on furniture. The sediment may, in time, form a rock if the little pieces become cemented together

What type of rock can turn into sedimentary rock?

Any rock type; metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous.

Is sand a metamorphic?

No. Sandstone is sedimentary rock, where the individual grains of sand that compose the rock are visible without magnification. These individual grains of sand (sediment) have become compacted and cemented together in a process called lithification, forming a sedimentary rock.Metamorphic rock can be formed from virtually any parent rock (protolith) that has been subjected to heat and/or pressure, modifying its texture or mineral composition.Quartz sandstone, when metamorphosed, becomes the metamorphic rock 'quartzite'.

Does sandstone contain fossils?

Yes, sedimentary rock contains many fossils mainly because they can be gently cover with sediment and preserve the fossils.

A river deposits layers of minerals and other rocks at its mouth. Over time, what kind of rock is formed by the deposits?

Over millions of years, layers of sediment may build up and harden into sedimentary rock. Some of the many forms of sedimentary rock include sandstone, rock salt, and coal. Sandstone forms as sand hardens.

Is it true that sedimentary rocks is formed from many layers of sediment?

Yes, it is true. Sediments get blown together by wind, and then layer on top of each other. Over time, there's lots of pressure, and the lower sediments become sedimentary rocks.