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i know this because i had to take living envirment last year in the 9th grade. Global Warming will Cause humens to tan, and or get blacker that's an example all living will need to change to fit the enviremnt and if they don't they die. in Africa thousends die a mouth but the ones that will adapt will stay... most will die the some will come back strong it just depends how bad it gets.. less hair to keep warm, lots of changes unknown.. i how i answerd you question


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Q: How might global warming affect the evolution of living organisms?
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3 weather danages as a result of global warming

Does Global Warming affect everyone?

yes, that's why they call it GLOBAL warming

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your body warmth and global warming will melt you!

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They do not have any affect on global warming.

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Global warming does not really affect ocean pollution. However, ocean pollution is something that is effecting global warming. This is because the pollutants are what is causing the warming trend.

Do meteors affect global warming?

Meteors are not considered a contributing factor to global warming.

Do evolutionists believe in global warming?

Not necessarily, as belief in evolution and belief in global warming don't really have anything to do with each other. That said, a person who believes in evolution is probably more likely to believe in global warming, as they tend to listen to what scientists say, and scientists are the biggest advocates for global warming being real.

Does Global warming affect everybody?

Yes, global warming does affect all the living creatures. Irregular weather patterns and floods in the lowlands are just but examples of how global warming affects everybody.