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Less carbon dioxide would dissolve in the oceans so there would be more in the atmosphere.

Warm water holds less carbon dioxide. The oceans are a major carbon sink. If they release a lot of it due to being warmer then it becomes more greenhouse gas.

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Q: How might warmer oceans accelerate global warming?
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What would a flood have to do with global warming?

The glaciers melt due to the warmer air, causing there to be more water in the oceans. The oceans can't hold it so it floods

Why is it getting cloder if global warming is making us warmer?

Global warming is actually making us warmer in summer but is colder in winter

How are clownfish affected by global warming?

Warmer and more acidic oceans are affecting the food chain of many fish and marine animals, including the clownfish.

Is global warming true or made up?

Global warming is true. The world is actually getting warmer, and will continue to do so.

If global warming carries on could the icecaps completely disappear?

Yes, if global warming carries on, the earth will get warmer and warmer and the icecaps will completely disappear. This will mean rises in sea levels that will damage many low lying countries. At present ice reflects a lot of heat from the sun (this is called the albedo effect). If there is no ice, then the oceans and the land absorb more heat, warming up even more.

How is global warming making hurricanes stronger?

It has been shown that the warming of the atmosphere warms the oceans and provides more energy to tropical systems, thereby causing some hurricanes to become more powerful. Whether they are becoming more frequent is still a matter of debate.

How does the ocean becoming warmer affect sea life?

Warmer oceanic water has a number of negative effects on marine mammals and other animals. Increased temperatures will make it impossible for some animals to survive. *Global warming is the main cause of the warming of the oceans. As the temperature of the atmosphere rises and begins to heat the water and melt glaciers, the water grows warmer.

What might global warming do to us?

Global warming is the same thing as greenhouse effects. They trap a lot of heat and lets the remaining heat get away into space. Therefore, global warming heats up the Earth making it warmer.

Will global warming make the earth colder or warmer?

Global warming would make the earth warmer. However, some parts, for example, Britain, may become colder for a while, especially if the Gulf Stream cools or slows.

Will sea water temperature become higher due to global warming?

80% of the heat in the planet's ecosystem is stored in the oceans, and more than 90% of the global warming (see link: infographic on where global warming is going - John Cook). The oceans have been generally getting warmer over the last 40 years (see link: ocean and global warming - John Cook). This effect can be measured directly by buoys that sink through the ocean, measuring water temperature at different depths, and indirectly through thermal expansion. The oceans act as a heat sink and provide a damping effect on the increase in atmospheric temperatures due to global warming. Unfortunately, this means that atmospheric temperatures are likely to continue to rise for some time even if we we manage to stabilise greenhouse gases. However the more greenhouse gases we realease, the higher the final temperature will eventually be.

Why have glaciers started to melt?

There's too much global warming and the world is getting warmer.

What effect does global warming have on water?

the oceans levels are rising and the ocean is getting warmer the oceans level is rising cause the ice is melting.