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you need about 100 gallons of water and 30 pounds of food. but all the different food groups .But that's what i got

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Q: How much food do you need in an earthquake?
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What do the Haitians need because of earthquake?

the haiti earthquake needs food shelter and surgury.

What would you need in a earthquake?

radios , water, food, first aid , spare clothes, medicine,

Why do you need food during or after an earthquake?

Because food stores can be destroyed or closed, the transport impossible or difficult, etc. and and we want to survive.

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It is important because they need food and water because they are cut of from farms after the dreaded earthquake.

How do you know how much food you need?

how do you know how much food you need for a certain amount of people (200)

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fishy food

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You need to find how many km the earthquake is

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How do you find food in an avalanche?

You cannot. An avalanche is a natural disaster. It is similar to asking how do you find food in a volcanic eruption or an earthquake. You may need to search for food afterwards, in which case you would have to excavate for it.

How much food do people need to orbit venus for year?

Approximately as much food as they would need on Earth in a year.

Would you put a capital for earthquake?

There is no need to capitalize earthquake.

How plants store much of the food they need?

Plants store much of their food in the form of starch.