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Since January 1 2008, there have been more than three earthquakes that happened worldwide per day with magnitudes greater than 5.0

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Q: How often did earthquakes with magnitude greater than 5 occur in the world this year?
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Related questions

How often do earthquakes with a magnitude of 8 to 8.9 occur across the globe?

once a year

What is the relationship between intensity and magnitude of an and earthquake?

the relationship between earthquakes magnitude is the size or amount of energy an earthquake produces and has no connection to hour often earthquakes occur.

Statment between the magnitude of a earthquake and how often earthquakes of the magnitude occur?

One statement you could write is that "Earthquakes of higher magnitudes are much rarer than those of lower magnitudes". The magnitude of earthquakes is a logarithmic scale, so a magnitude of 8 is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 7. This is why earthquakes of higher magnitudes are so much rarer than those of lower magnitudes.

Can earthquakes occur in Sydney?

There were at least 13 minor earthquakes in or near Sydney in the last 10 years. The magnitude of these 13 earthquakes ranged from 1.6 to 2.5. Earthquakes can occur in almost every part of Australia but occur much less often than along tectonic plates north and east of Australia.

Why are large magnitude earthquakes infrequent?

Large earthquakes release a lot of energy, and it takes a long time for this energy to build up in faults, so they don't occur that often.

Where in the world do earthquakes occur often?

In California, there are frequent earthquakes

How often do earthquakes occur in Illinois?

I'm not too sure, but I know that is isn't very often.

Earthquakes occur most often along the?

Earthquakes occur most often along the boundaries of tectonic plates.

How likely is it that Ohio will experience an earthquake?

The probability that an earthquake will occur in Ohio or, for that matter, anywhere else, is virtually a 100% certainty. The real questions are when might the next one occur and, more importantly, what will be its magnitude. Earthquakes occur quite often, but most are of such low magnitude as to register only on extremely sensitive instruments. People don't feel them and often news media don't even report them. The U.S. Geological Survey website contains a wealth if information on earthquakes. Check out their website below.

How is the strength of earthquakes related to how often they occur?

It is related, the more magnitude/strenght they have the less they occur. 8.0 earthquakes only happen 1 time (average) per year but the 2.0-2.9 happen about 365,000 times a year!

Do earthquakes often occur at at faults that are away from plate boundaries?

Yes, but not as often as earthquakes happen near plate boundaries

What scale do scientists most often use today to express the magnitude of an earthquake?

The Richter and moment magnitude scales (depending on the Earthquakes size).