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Q: How would you know which rock layer in a canyon is the oldest?
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How would you know which is the oldest layer in a rock?

You would know because the youngest rock layer is always on the top, and the oldest is always at the bottom of the canyon.

How many people are named canyon?

I'm not sure, and I would like to know. My name is Canyon, and I made this question. If you know please answer it!

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the oldest civilization was the OLMEC (:

Was the Grand Canyon eroded a million years ago?

Yes, the Grand Canyon as we know it today would look very much like the Grand Canyon of 17 million years ago.

Who is the oldest active soccer player in America?

No one would know that.

Who is the oldest Canadian in Olympics 2018?

I believe that it is Ian Millar, 61. I would like to know if he is the oldest athlete at the Games.

How can scientists understand what the relevant age of a fossil is?

There are layers of earth that are deposited over time and based on where a fossil is in the layers a scientist can understand what the age of the fossil is relevant to another fossil in a different layer of earth. The law of superposition says that new sediment is deposited on top of old sediment so, the sediment in the bottom layer is the oldest and the sediment at the top is the youngest. Because of this the fossils in the bottom layer are the oldest and the fossils near the top are the youngest. Say you have 10 layers of rock, and the top layer is number 1 (the youngest) and the bottom layer is number 10 (the oldest). Even if a scientist can't tell exactly how old a fossil is if they know it is in a layer deeper than another fossil they know it is older than that fossil so, a fossil from layer 9 is older than a fossil from layer 5 which is also older than a fossil from layer 3. This is relative age. If we take it a step further... If a scientist knows that the fossil in layer 4 is 65 million years old than we not only know the fossils in layer 5-10 are older than the one in layer 4, but that they are all older than 65 million years old. So, the fossils in layer 1-3 would be less than 65 million years old. Scientists can know how old a specific fossil is sometimes based on whether or not it is an index fossil (a fossil that only occurred during a very small, specific interval of time), or if it is possible to carbon date it or something in the same layer.

Who is the oldest meerkat?

If you've ever watched the series Meerkat Manor then you would know the dominant male of the wiskers family Zeaphod. What you probably didn't know is that in 2011 Zeaphod will become the oldest meerkat that we know of!

Which layer of the atmosphere would you be in if you were caught in a rain storm?

i dont know srry

How di they make the Grand Canyon?

I don't know who you think "they" are, but humans did not create the Grand Canyon.

What is Arizona know as?

The Grand Canyon State.

What country did a canyon come from?

None that I know of.