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Hydroponics is a technique for growing plants without soil. In hydroponics, plant roots are immersed in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil. This allows the plant to receive necessary nutrients directly from the water, leading to potentially faster growth and larger yields compared to traditional soil-based cultivation.

This method of growing plants can be used in places where soil-based agriculture is impractical, such as in urban areas or regions with poor soil quality. Hydroponics also allows for more precise control over the plants' nutrients, which can lead to healthier, more productive plants.

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Q: Hydroponics is a technique for growing plants without what?
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How do you do soil less agriculture?

One way is to use hydroponics, which is growing things in containers which are filled, not with soil, but with a medium such as vermiculite pellets to hold the plant roots. Nutrient-rich water is then pumped on a regular schedule into the containers to feed the plants.

What is the process of growing plants without soil?

[1] Certain plants, such as particular orchids, can be grown in the air. [2] Many plants can be grown in water. This is the way many cuttings are rooted. [3] Other plants can be grown in soil-less media. Generally, that media would be bark, peat, perlite, pumice, sand, sawdust, vermiculite. But the use of peat isn't environmentally friendly. For it's using up non-renewable peat bogs. Composted bark and coir [from coconut hulls] can be used in its place. But the former doesn't have the water-holding capabilities that coir and peat have. [4] And plants can be grown in composted organic matter. For compost is considered soil-less and free of diseases, pests, and weeds if composted according to proper procedure. [5] The idea is that the preceding four choices offer plants disease, pest and weed free environments. [5] All four, however, must be checked for appropriate air, light, nutrient and water levels. So, for example, soil alternatives - except possibly for compost - would benefit from the application of organic or slow-release fertilizers.

What plant grow without soil. And what is procedure?

bamboo will thrive in water...with no soil. Many plants grow hydroponically (in liquid), e.g. tomatoes, lettuce, etc. The procedure can be complicated, so you might want to consult a book about hydroponics at the library.

What is Geoponics?

Geoponics is basically the regular Method of growing plants using SOIL ( the normal way of cultivating crops without adding in chemicals or additional nutrients to the plants as they grow ).

What Is it called when crops are grown without soil?

Hydroponics or hydroculture. This is the practice of growing plants without soil. The plants are held in a chemically neutral medium called the substrate. Water containing a mixture of chemicals (or nutrients) is passed through the substrate. The system normally allows for the collection and reusing of the nutrient solution. In this way plants can be grown in a very controlled environment and absorb only what they need, with only a small amount of the "nutrient solution" being lost to evaporation. There is also an off-shoot (pun intended) of this called aeroponics where the roots are grown naked in specially designed tubes or reservoirs and sprayed intermittently with a nutrient-rich water solution (which is again recycled).

Related questions

What is hydrponics?

hydroponic is a method of growing plants. Hydroponics, is a technique for growing plants in nutrient solutions with or without an inert medium as soil to provide mechanical support.To put in simple words, hydroponics is the science of growing plants in mineral and nutrient enriched water without soil. See related link.

What is hydroponics defined as?

From the Greek hydro means water, and ponics means labour. Hydroponics is the technique of growing plants without soil. Most commonly, hydroponics cultivates plants in nutrient-rich water, although hydroponics can also be considered to be the practice of growing plants in other aggregates, such as a soil-less bark-based mix.

What refers to an agricultural technique used to cultivate plants without soil matter?


What is hydoponics?

Hydroponics is the growing of plants in a solution without the use of soil. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Plants are grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, mineral wool, or coconut husk.

What is the process of Hydroponics?

Growing plants in aquatic medium is called hydroponics

Who created hydroponics?

No one created hydroponics it 's just the growing of plants without soil. It's like saying who created agriculture.

What is hydroponic growing mean?

Hydroponics (From the Greek hydro, water, and ponics, labour) is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, mineral wool, or coconut husk.

Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as?

The growing of plants in water is hydroponics. Its not just water you need to grow hydroponic plants though, u need to mix in a nutrient solution that has all the nutrients your plants need.

Growing plants in water is hydroponics growing plants in the air is aeroponics just wondering if there is a specific term for growing plants in soil?

Its a word you may have heard before: agriculture. Recently, to distunguish soil CONTAINER growing from in-the-ground growing, the following terms have surfaced: agriponics or agroponics (us) terraponics (euro) bio (euro) Funny thing is, the "experts" can't really agree what the definitions of "hydroponics" and "aeroponics" are. For example, a very popular definition of hydroponics is "a growing system in which the plants receive all of their nutrition from the irrigation solution, as opposed to the soil or potting medium." Notice no mention is made of the substate (potting medium). This means that growing plants in any commercial potting mix (which use peat, coconut, vermiculite, perlite, compost, etc - none of which are soil) with a nutrient solution is hydroponics... even if you only water once a week or whatever. Aeroponics is even more wishy-washy. My point is that there is not a clear line that distinguishes one method from the other; most systems are really a fusion of two or more methods. The definition of hydroponics is literally working water...or as used today the science of growing plants without soil. So growing plants in a commercial potting mix containing peat, coconut, vermiculite, perlite is considered hydroponics. As is growing plants in sand or gravel or any inert media. Aeroponics is a form of hydroponics, it refers to growing plants with their roots suspended in the air and being misted, which is growing plants without soil or hydroponics. In my opinion it is a term that was coined to avoid the negative connotations associated with hydroponics.

What are hydroponics lights used for?

Hydroponic lights are used to in the practice of growing plants indoors. They are used in hydroponics to simulate the sun so that the plants can grow as if they were planted outdoors.

Is there a soil-less planting?

Briefly, Hydroponics is a method of growing plants by rooting them in a water based, nutrient rich, solutions. This means that the plants are growing without using, or needing, a soil or any other composting medium.

Does hydroponics work?

Hydroponics works about 20-30% better than plants soil growing with less problems. Plants grown in water are less likely to have pest problems.