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On each side of the mid-ocean ridge is a mirror of the striped pattern on the other side. When drawn, these patterns show alternating bands of normal and reverse polarity that match the geomagnetic reversal time scale, scientists can assign ages to the sea-floor rocks. The youngest rocks were at the center, and the older rocks father away. The ages of the sea floor rocks are symmetrical. The only place on the ocean-floor where new rocks are formed are at the rift in mid-ocean ridge. hope this helps :)

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Q: Identify how magnetic symmetry can be used as evidence of sea-floor spreading?
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What do magnetic anomalies provide evidence of?

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How are magnetic patterns in sea floor rock evidence of seafloor spreading?

Magnetic alignment of rocks, in alternating strips that run parallel to ridges, indicates reversals in Earth's magnetic field and provides further evidence of seafloor spreading.

Magnetic striping is evidence of?

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What was the theory that was shown to be correct by age evidence and magnetic clues?

Magnetic Reversal

How does magnetic reversals provide evidence for seafloor spreading?

Because of the stripes at the sea floor which are magnetic minerals

What are three types of seafloor spreading?

evidence from molten material evidence from magnetic stripes evidence from drilling samples

First related the symmetrical magnetic patterns in seafloor basalts to seafloor spreading at a mid-ocean ridge?

Lawrence W. Morley, Frederick John Vine, and Drummond Hoyle Matthews were the first to tie magnetic stripe anomalies to seafloor spreading. The magnetic anomalies was the first evidence that supported the theory of seafloor spreading.

What did the magnetic strips prove in seafloor spreading?

They proved that the seafloor was spreading.

What are two pieces of evidence for sea-floor spreading?

Magnetic stripes and absolute ages of seafloor basalt.

Is there evidence that seafloor-spreading?

its not happy

How does magnetic stripes prove seafloor spreading?


Is the analysis of seafoor sediments evidence of sea-floor spreading?

Not really but sea floor sediments thickness increase with increased distance from spreading centers which is good evidence. Other evidence such as magnetic reversals, temperature, dating methods provide the best evidence of seafloor spreading