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If PAO2 is low...... Then PaO2 would be low........ Then low SaO2.....then low content CaO2..... Then low DO2.... Then Hypoxia.....lactic acidosis( anaerobic glycolysis), isn't it?

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What is importance of PaO2?

A PaO2 is the level of oxygen in your arterial blood. If it is too low, it can cause significant loss in brain function. It can also cause organ failure. If the PaO2 is low, it will cause shortness of breath and also confusion.

Why is the serum bicarbonate low in ketoacidosis?

i believe it is low because ketoacidosis is a metabolic problem - it is characteristic of a metabolic acidosis, where one has too much H+ (acid) hanging around in the body because there is no bicarb to buffer the H+, buffering acid is one of the main jobs of bicarb, so if you do not have enough, you get an acidosis - in this case ketoacidosis. source: 3rd year clinical biochemistry course.

Normal arterial blood gas values for a toddler?

Term infant to 2 years of age Ph7.3-7.4 Paco2 30-40 Pao2 80-100 Bicarb 20-22 Older than 2 are the same as adult values

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PAO2 - PaO2 ****************************************** PAO2 is the Alveolar Air Equation: PAO2 = FiO2 (Pb- Ph20) - PACO2/R Notes: Pb = 760 mmHg Ph20 = 47 mmHg R = 0.8

How do you increase pao2 with mechanical ventilation?

In manual ventilation you can increase the PaO2 by hyperventilating the patient, by increasing the respiratory rate and/or by increasing the volume of air that you deliver to the patient. If using a BVM for example, compressing the bag faster and/or harder will increase the arterial oxygen pressure, but there is a limit to what you can do with manual ventilation. Perfusion in the lungs has a major impact on PaO2. Also, the blood chenistry (anemia or CO2 poisoning) for example will dramatically decrease the PaO2. Sometimes no matter how much you hyperventilate the person, low PaO2 can't be corrected.

What is the normal range of PAO2 - PaO2 for healthy young adults breathing room air?

10 - 15 mm Hg.

Ph is low and chlorine is high?

Add sodium bicarb to raise pH. Chlorine will go down by itself or add sodium thiosulfate

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Is pao2 and po2 the same?

yes they are just the same

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What is the highest PAO2 one could expect to observe in an individual?

The highest partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PAO2) that one could expect to observe in an individual is around 100 mmHg when breathing room air at sea level. This value may vary depending on factors such as altitude, age, and overall health status of the individual.