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Potassium chloride

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Q: If a combination reaction takes place between potassium and chlorine what is the product?
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Predict the reaction between chlorine and potassium astatide?

Cl2 + 2KAt arrow 2KCl +At2 Chlorine + Potassium Astatide arrow Potassium Chloride + Astatine This happens because Chlorine is more reactive than Astatine so the chlorine displaces the Astatine to produce Potassium Chloride and Astatine.

What are transferred during a combination reaction between Na and chlorine?

Electrons are transferred from sodium atoms to chlorine atoms.

Is the fact that a combination reaction occures between sodium and chlorine applicapable to the argument sodium and chlorine combine to form table salt?

Yes, because the product of the combination (aka synthesis) reaction between sodium and chlorine is the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), which is common table salt.

Is Potassium chloride decomposes to potassium chloride and oxygen gas is a physical or chemical change?


What is the reaction between potassium hydroxide with water?

No reaction.

What are the products of the reaction between potassium bromide and chlorine?

Dibromide ions and KCl

What is the reaction between bleach and potassium iodide?

the reaction between bleach anb potassium iodide is KI+NaCl2--->KCl2+NaI

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potassium bromide + fluorine --> potassium fluoride + bromide

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is-?

The product of the synthesis reaction between sodium and chlorine gas is

Is combination between sodium and chlorine to produce sodium chloride a chemical reaction?

Yes, it is a very dangerous, vigorous and explosive CHEMICAL reaction. This is not the way to produce NaCl.

What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between potassium and chlorine?


What is the chemical reaction when acid is added to chlorine?

Reaction between an acid and a metal is usally, salt and hydrogen. So i think the reaction between chlorine and acid forms a salt and a gas.