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Q: If atmosphere pressure on a certain day is 749 mm Hg what is the partial pressurre of nitrogen given that nitrogen is about 78 of the atmosphere?
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How is nitrogen from the atmosphere brought into the ground?

Nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into nitrogen in the soil by a process called nitrogen fixation, which is carried out by a number of different types of bacteria. Some of these bacteria grow on the roots of certain plants, such as clover, alfalfa, and peanuts, and provide nitrogen to the plant and the soil. ----------------------------------------- Lightning also causes some atmospheric nitrogen to be converted into oxides of nitrogen. These dissolve in rain water and are brought to the ground in the rain.

Which organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria =========================== Specifically a particular type of bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of certain plants (eg the Legume family) called "Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria" . Not other bacteria decompose organic material and release nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

How can nitrogen be used?

nitrogen can be used for cooling computer systems and for fertilizing plants in a certain way

What were the 2 most abundant gases in the early atmosphere?

The first atmosphere of the earth was probably mostly hydrogen with some simple hydrides such as water vapor, methane and ammonia. Vulcanism and asteroidal bombardment eventually replaced this with an atmosphere of mostly nitrogen, with carbon dioxide and some of the inert gasses.

What is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place called?

It is called the weather. All weather takes place in the atmosphere though it affects the ground.

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Can certain anmails obtain nitrogen from the atmosphere?


What is the need of nitrogen in atmosphere?

What does it mean to say the "need of nitrogen in the atmosphere"? Needed for who, for what? Nitrogen is in the atmosphere regardless of who needs it.Is the nitrogen gas used for something? Definitely. Certain organisms are able to convert nitrogen gas, N2, in the atmosphere into NH3, ammonia, which is used as a plant nutrient. This is generally called nitrogen fixation.

If you say that a certain process fixes nitrogen what does this mean which natural process in the atmosphere fixes nitrogen?


What kind of organisms can remove nitrogen from the atmosphere bacteria plants mammals or fish?

Certain plants are nitrogen fixers. Alfalfa is one.

What does nitrogen fixation look like?

There is more than one step in nitrogen fixation but it can be seen as a flash of lightning heating the atmosphere, or in certain plants such as clover or alder.

How is nitrogen from the atmosphere brought into the ground?

Nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into nitrogen in the soil by a process called nitrogen fixation, which is carried out by a number of different types of bacteria. Some of these bacteria grow on the roots of certain plants, such as clover, alfalfa, and peanuts, and provide nitrogen to the plant and the soil. ----------------------------------------- Lightning also causes some atmospheric nitrogen to be converted into oxides of nitrogen. These dissolve in rain water and are brought to the ground in the rain.

What is atmospheric nitrogen?

Certain plants (notably legumes - beans) and many bacteria act as nitrogen fixing agents, taking nitrogen from the air and producing nitrogen compounds by combining nitrogen with other elements. Nitrogen fixation can also occur as a result of lightning and some human activities, such as combustion. Other than that, it stays in the atmosphere, and fixed nitrogen eventually returns to the atmosphere, as well, to begin the cycle again.

What is nitrogen fixation only on?

Nitrogen fixation is a process in which nitrogen gas from the atmosphere is converted into a usable form, such as ammonia or nitrate, by certain bacteria or through industrial methods. This process plays a crucial role in providing plants with essential nitrogen nutrients for growth.

What is the definion for 100 degrees c?

Boiling point of water under certain pressure conditions. Equivalent to the temperature where the vapor pressure of steam is 1 atmosphere.

What is meant by saturation temperature and saturation pressure?

The temperature and pressure of the atmosphere must be at that point or in an interval of values for the substance to be saturated. When mixing solutions, the temperature and pressure must be within a certain range for the substance to dissolve.

Which organisms convert nitrogen into a form that is usable by humans?

Bacteria =========================== Specifically a particular type of bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of certain plants (eg the Legume family) called "Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria" . Not other bacteria decompose organic material and release nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

How do animals obtain their nitrogen requirements?

Nitrogen is found in all living systems as part of the makeup of biological compounds. Animals obtain the nitrogen they need by eating plants, or by eating other animals that have eaten plants.