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It is moving toward the east. westerly describes the direction the wind comes from

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Q: If something is being carried by westerlieswhat direction is it moving toward?
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Whichever direction the traveling car was moving, until something stops them.

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It slows to a rest and then starts moving in the opposite direction at constant acceleration in that direction.

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Verb: to exert a force, typically by taking hold of something or someone, moving them toward yourself; to move steadily in a specific direction Noun: the act of taking hold of something and moving it toward yourself; the force drawing someone or something in a particular direction

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Velocity . . . what speed and direction something is moving. Acceleration . . . how fast the speed and/or direction of its motion are changing.

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The "C" stands for "Collider" For something to collide there has to be a second something moving in a different direction to collide with. The contents of the two beams moving in opposite directions collide.

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A vector quality is defined as a quality that is described completely by both a direction and a magnitude. Velocity describes what direction something is moving as well as the speed it is moving, which makes it a vector quality.

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Can speed and velocity be unequal in a body?

Speed and velocity cannot be unequal for the same object. Speed tells you how quickly something is moving (as measured, for example, in meters per second) and velocity tells you how quickly something is moving and in what direction it is moving.