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True, but be mindful of risk.

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Q: If the region in which you live has not experienced an earthquake in 200 years your earthquake hazard is low?
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Which state in the US has experienced a major earthquake magnitude 7.0 or greater in the last 200 years?

England China

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On what date did the Cascadia earthquake occur in the year 1700?

This heavy earthquake happend on January 26, 1700 AD. This earthquake caused a tsunami that hits the coast of Japan. Round about every 460 years an earthquake occurs in that region.

What two countries experienced earthquake recently?

recently... well... in haiti they had an earthquake but its been almost 2 years and it past really fast but there still in construction... i think ... anyway + they had one in japan last month

Is an earthquake bad?

Some are worse than others. I experienced one in the UK about 6 years ago that was a simple bang in the middle of the night, with no destruction. There was a bad earthquake in Pakistan about 3 years ago when many people died and many villages and towns were destroyed.

What city experienced large earthquakes in 1906 and 1989?

Well, there were alot of cities world wide that experienced strong and large earthquakes in both those years (as there are every year), but, in terms of loss of life and damage (and most likely the most well known events), it would have to go to San Francisco and Oakland, CA. The 1906 earthquake was a 7.9- 8.0 earthquake while the 1989 event (Loma Prieta Earthquake) was a 7.1 magnitude.

When was the Haiti Earthquake?

A massive earthquake struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010. It was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years, with over 200,000 presumed dead.the biggest earth quake in 200 yrs it happen Jan. 12 2010 at 4:15 IN THE MORNING.

What is the chance of an earthquake occurring in Australia?

According to an internet search, Australia experienced one earthquake of 2.0 magnitude or greater every day during the first decade of the 21st century. Tremors that scare the residents occur every 1-2 years. Potentially destructive earthquakes occur about every 5 years.

Why Bangladesh is an earthquake prone country?

Bangladesh is an earthquake prone country as it lies along the border of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates, where earthquakes of comparatively uniform intensity are generated at regular intervals. In this region, earthquakes may occur in a cyclic order of hundred years and, according to the experts, the Great Indian Earthquake of 1897 is likely to be repeated every hundred years.

Where did the biggest earthquake occur in the last five years?

The biggest earthquake in our century is the Indian Ocean earthquake in December 2004 with a magnitude of 9.1. But that's not exactly in the last five years, so the Sendai earthquake in Japan today (March 11, 2011) is the biggest earthquake in the last 5 years, with a magnitude of 8.9.

How old is Eden Hazard?

Thierry Hazard is 55 years old (birthdate: June 7, 1962).

How often do big earthquakes happen in Pittsburgh?

Pittsburgh is located in a region with a relatively low earthquake risk. While small earthquakes can occur occasionally, significant earthquakes are rare. The last major earthquake in the Pittsburgh area was in 1937.