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This sounds dangerous. please follow all safety procedures. Speak with experts in the feild who have experience in the matter at hand, if you are a student ask your teacher if this is a homework question ask your upperclassman tutor, this is not a place to discuss possibly dangerous deeds. thank you

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Q: If you form a highly reactive compound how could you store the compound so that it will not react?
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Is nitrogen highly reactive?

Nitrogen gas is stable. However there are nitrogen compounds that are reactive.

Why do you not find pure samples of highly reactive element in the ground?

Being very reactive these elements react quickly and form compounds.

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Carbon is considered highly reactive. This is due to the fact that it can react with many elements on Earth.

What is magnesium reactive with?

Magnesium is highly reactive and will react with many things. It will react with elements of the Nitrogen group, the Oxygen group and the halogens. It will also react with acids, water etc.

Does barium react With oxygen?

Absolutely; barium is a highly reactive metal.

What react with potassium?

all of the halogens: bromine, fluorine, oxygen, chlorine and iodine. and it is highly reactive with water.

Is alkali metals highly reactive because of its one valence electrons?

Yes, alkali metals will react with anything to get rid of that one valence electron, which makes them highly reactive.

How do chlorofluocarbons affect the ozone layer?

CFC's are highly reactive compounds. They react with ozone and deplete it.

Why does chlorine react with all elements?

It does not react with any element, but it does with any besides water. Chlorine is classified as a halogen, a highly reactive nonmetal.

What does uranium react most with?

Uranium easy react with oxygen.But being a reactive metal uranium can be combined with the majority of elements forming compound or alloys.

Why are the elements Na and Cl2 extremely dangerous?

because they are both highly reactive elements so they will react with anything.

Why do you not find pure samples of highly reactive elements on the ground?

The reason is because they react with everything, and once they react with another element they are no longer a pure substance.