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Environmental Protection Agency

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1mo ago

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for ensuring the safety of air, soil, and water in the environment in the United States. They set and enforce regulations to protect human health and the environment from pollution and other hazards.

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Q: In the US which agency works to keep the air soil and water safe in the environment?
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Continue Learning about Earth Science

Why is it important to keep your environment clean?

Keeping your environment clean is important to prevent the spread of diseases, maintain overall health, and create a safe and pleasant living or working space. A clean environment also promotes a positive state of mind and overall well-being.

What keep the water cycle working?

The water cycle works through a process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Energy from the sun evaporates water from bodies of water, which then condenses in the atmosphere to form clouds. When the clouds become heavy with water droplets, they release precipitation in the form of rain, snow, or hail, completing the cycle.

Why do you think it is important to keep groundwater free of dangerous chemicals?

It is important to keep groundwater free of dangerous chemicals because groundwater is a vital source of drinking water for people and ecosystems. Contaminants in groundwater can pose serious health risks and harm the environment. Protecting groundwater quality ensures the sustainability of our water resources for current and future generations.

How the social environment affects the physical environment?

The social environment can impact the physical environment through human activities such as pollution, resource consumption, and infrastructure development. Social behaviors and norms influence how people interact with their surroundings, leading to changes in land use, waste generation, and the overall health of ecosystems. Addressing social issues like individual consumption habits and community planning can help mitigate negative impacts on the physical environment.

Why we should not drop trash on the ground?

Dropping trash on the ground can harm the environment and wildlife, pollute water sources, and create unsightly and unsanitary conditions. Proper disposal of trash helps to keep our surroundings clean and contributes to a healthier ecosystem.

Related questions

Who is the European environmental agency?

The European Environmental Agency is an agency within the European Union that operates inside and outside of the EU. Its main purpose is to provide information on the environment (its standings, how its going to be in the future, how you can help keep it clean, etc.) and to help keep the environment clean.

What will happen to your environment if we keep wasting water.?

we won't have animals and we will be sad

What is the principal goal and advantages of waste water treatment?

to keep the environment clean

How does heat transfer in a wet suit?

A wetsuit works by trapping a thin layer of water between the suit and your skin. This layer of water is heated by your body, which helps insulate you and keep you warm in cold water. The suit itself traps this heated water and prevents it from being replaced with cold water from the environment, thus maintaining your body temperature.

How can you get super glue off?

Hot water works just keep rubbing hot water and soap it happend to me

How does the penguin's thick feathers help the penguin to cope with its environment?

The feathers keep them warm in frigid water and keep them from freezing in subzero temperatures.

Firefighter often use water to put out a fire explain how this works?

Fire has to have 3 things to keep burning: Fuel, Heat, Oxygen. Water works by cooling the temperatur and removing the Oxygen.

Who is Peyton roi list's talent agency?

She would try to keep it personal.. Im an actress and its always an actor to keep their agency secret. Thanks :)

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What will happen if we don't keep our environment clean and green?

What happens if you do not keep the environment clean

How does having hot water on keep the house warm?

not... exactly. having some sort of heater works better

Is a koala warm or cold blooded?

A koala is warmblooded. It is a mammal, and all mammals are warmblooded. They do not depend on the environment around them for warmth. Instead, their body works to keep its body at an optimal temperature and keep a balance known as homeostasis.