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No, a binary ionic compound is composed of two elements in which one is a negatively charged ion, and the other a positively charged ion.

Examples include the following: NaCl, LiF, MgO, MgCl2, K2O

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Q: Is calcium hydroxide made of binary compound?
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What is calcium hydroxide a element or a compound?

A compound is a mixture of elements. As the name implies, CH (or calcium hydroxide) is made up of calcium and hydrogen. Calcium and Hydrogen are elements. Thus, calcium hydroxide is a compound.

What is the ratio of calcium and oxygen atoms fro a binary compound made up of two of these elements?

Calcium oxide, CaO: the ratio is 1.

What is the difference between a binary ionic compound and a teranry ionic compound?

No. Not all binary compounds are ionic and not all ionic compounds are binary. An ionic compound is a compound formed by the exchange rather than the sharing of electrons. A binary compound is any compound of exactly 2 elements. Examples: Sodium chloride (NaCl, compound sodium and chlorine) is both binary and ionic. Potassium hydroxide (KOH, compound of potassium, hydrogen, and oxygen) is ionic but not binary. Water (H2O, compound of hydrogen and oxygen) is binary, but covalent, not ionic.

What is a example binary compound?

A binary compound is a chemical compound that contains only two different elements. Examples of binary ionic compounds include calcium chloride (CaCl2), sodium fluoride (NaF), and magnesium oxide (MgO), whilst examples of a binary covalent compounds include water (H2O), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

What is CaOH?

Calcium hydroxide, commonly known as limewater, it is made by adding CaO to H2O

What are the products made when calcium reacts with water?

There are actually two products made.When Calcium reacts with water, Calcium Hydroxide is produced and so is Hydrogen. So, both Calcium Hydroxide and Hydrogen are produced, looking like this in a word equation:Calcium + Water = Calcium Hydroxide + Hydrogen

What is a binary compound made from potassium and chlorine?

Binary compound means a compound of two elements so it is KCl

What is binary compound?

A binary compound is a one that consists of exactly two is a compound made of two substances

What product can be made by adding water to calcium oxide?

calcium hydroxide is formed.

Is calcium oxide a element or compound?

It would be a compound, made of Calcium and Oxygen.

What is the mineral found in the bone?


How can limewater be made from calcium carbonate?

limewater is a solution of calcium hydroxide. This is produced by the hydration of calcium oxide