

Is chlorine found in nature

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Chlorine gas is the product of some chemical reactions, but the pure element is EXTREMELY reactive and is rarely found in nature.

Chlorine is common in compounds such as sodium chloride (ordinary table salt).

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Q: Is chlorine found in nature
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Is chlorine found in its elemental form in nature?

Chlorine is not found in the nature in his elemental form.

Is chlorine synthetic not found in nature or found in nature?

Not found!

Where is chlorine found in nature and what form is it.?

I have no clue I was asking you.

How is chlorine commonly found in nature?

Chlorine is not found in its elemental form as chlorine gas, being a halogen, is highly reactive. The most common compound of chlorine is sodium chloride or common salt. This can be found dissolved in sea water.

Is chlorine found in nature or man made?

Chlorine is commonly found in nature, seeing as it is a critical component of table salt, NaCl. It is also often found in our atmosphere in the form of CFC's. However, diatomic chlorine gas, Cl2 is not too abundant, because it is highly reactive.

What are found uncombined as monatomic species in nature?

Halogens are found in nature as a monatomic species ex. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine, Chlorine, Bromine, ect.

Is sodium and chlorine a pair of isotopes?

Sodium and chlorine are elements. If you mean one sodium atom and one chlorine atom yes they would be both isotopes but of different elemnts. If they were randomly sampled from nature the sodium atom would almost certainly be sodium-23 (there is only a trace of sodium-22 found in nature) and the chlorine atom would most likely be chlorine-35 as this isotope is about 75% of chlorine)

Why chlorine has atomic weight 35.5 though no chlorine with mass exist in nature?

The atomic weight (not mass) of chlorine is now [35,446; 35,457]. I don't understand "no chlorine with mass exist in nature".

How found chlorine?

chlorine is in mabe bleach

Is chlorine found in its elemental state or combined with other elements?

Chlorine is never found free in nature. It is always combined with another or other elements into compounds. Chlorine is highly reactive, and it wants to borrow an electron from just anything it can get close to. In general, it actually wants to "steal" that electron to form an ionic bond, and sodium chloride (NaCl), which is table salt, is one example of a common chlorine compound.

What is the name for chlorine?

IUPAC naming only applies to compounds. The IUPAC name for chlorine is chlorine. In nature chlorine exists as a diatomic compound Cl2 called dichlorine.

What percent of the chlorine in the atmosphere can be attributed to nature?
