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Yes. They stand for the same

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Q: Is electrostatic charge and static electricity the same thing?
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What is the difference between static and current electricty?

Current electricity- is powered by things like power plants, wind mills, solar energy, and burning fossil fuels. Current electricity is used to power things like light bulbs, televisions, and kitchen products. Static Electricity- is powered by electrons moving from one thing to another and there is not enough power to power things we use everyday.

How does static charge build up in a thundercloud?

the atoms electrons start to build up until there is an excess of electrons, then there is a discharge and the lightning is grounded by hitting the closest thing to the ground.

What is the difference between a lightning storm and a thunderstorm?

sometimes they are used interchangeably but technically a Lightning storm involves visible lightning bolts striking the earth. A thunderstorm on the other hand just involves the sound thunder, although thunder may be the sound of lighting striking but the lightning may not be visible or strike the earth directly so the proper name would be thunderstorm in this example.

Are electricity and magnetism the same thing?

Electricity and magnetism are similar but yet different. They are both able to make a form of each other. If electricity charges are pulled at a great force they will be able to create a type of magnetic force. Magnets are able to produce forms of electricity when their pulls are changed.

What cloud would you might see when a thunderstorm is approaching?

Lightning, aka electricity made from the clouds from a storm. The lightning would strike first because light is quicker than sound. After you see the flash of electricity then the sound it makes as it brakes sound is the thunder.

Related questions

How do you fix electrostatic hair?

the static electricity will wear off.. Or you can take your hand off the thing that is making your hair stand up

How can you use static charges and static elec to generate EMF or elec current?

Static charge and static electricity are 2 different terms for the same thing. Static electricity is voltage without current, usually created by friction. Voltage and EMF are 2 different terms for the same thing. When static electricity generates current, it is called a discharge and the static electricity ceases to exist. It has been discharged.

What is the difference between electrostatic and static electricity?


How does static electricity change the charges of an object?

Static electricity is produced by an object rubs up against another object, which in turn transfers electrons from one object to another.Static Electricity, a motionless electrical charge, as compared to current electricity. Static electricity occurs when an electrical charge builds up because of friction between two different objects, this usually occurs when the two items are not good at conducting electricity. Never confuse static electricity with current electricity. Current electricity should only be handled by qualified personnel.

How is static electricity dangerous in a hospital?

With some of the chemicals in a hostpital, The static electricity in a hostpital could catch thing on fire with the chemicals.

Similarities between between static electricity and current electricity?

they both transfer electric charges. they both work with conductors and insulators. they both build up charges. they are both a form of electricity.

How is static electricity used when spraying crops with insecticide?

Static electricity is a charge built up by a range of actions like rubbing a polythene rod against a duster, we can see the effects by rubbing a balloon against our hair and the negatives will move to the balloon but will not move this is what makes static electricity different to the normal electricity in our houses, cars and other electrical items. Static electricity and paint… static electricity can be used by mechanics to respray cars this can be done by charging the paint negative and the car positive and the paint will arc towards it when doing this to a bike it is unnecessary to turn the bike around as the paint will coat both sides. its the same thing one thing is charged positive and the other negative sothey will attract! hope this helps

How does current electricity differ from static electricity?

Static electricity is the BUILT UP STORE of electron charges [e-] between a pair of objects, while current electricity is the FLOW of electrons between these objects. Static electricity is a transfer of charge from one static body to another, resulting in an imbalance in positive and negative charges, while electric current is the flow of electrons, from one static body to another.

What are some ways you use static electricity?

Photo Copy machines use static electricity to get the ink in the places where it needs to be copied. There's an artist that uses static electricity to fly the different paint onto the paper. They also use static electricity to paint cars. (True enough, I got the artist thing from Bill Nye The Science Guy)

The loss of static electricity as electric charges transfer from one object to another called?

Electric discharge, is the word that makes this statement.

A glass window when wiped with a dry cloth on a dry day soon becomes dusty explain?

The polishing creates a static charge in the mirror, which then attracts any dust particles floating in the air. The same thing happens to TV and computer screens.

What is static electricity and balloons?

Static electricity is an electric charge built up on persons or objects through friction,and a balloon is a rubber *ball8 thing that you blow up. your welcome