

Is h2o the same compound as H2O2?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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No, because there is one atom of oxygen in H2O and two atoms of oxygen in H2O2.

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Q: Is h2o the same compound as H2O2?
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Do h2o and h2o2 represent the same compound?

No, H2O is water and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.

Do the formulas H2O2 AND H2O represent the same compound?

no. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, H2O is water.

Do formulas H2O2 and H2O represent that same compound?

No H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide while H2O is water the universal solvent.

Does h2o and h2o2 represent the same compound?

No these formulae do not represent the same compound as the suffixes, the numbers against the elements are different. H2O is water, HOH H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, HO-OH, a reactive bleaching agent.

Do h2o and h2o2 have the same properties?

No, H2O is just normal water, H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is a very toxic, reactive, oxidative, bleaching chemical.

What is the formula for H2O2?

H2O = 2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atom = H2O, Or widely known as "water"Yea.. Im smart :P

Is H2O2 the same as H2O?

No! H2O is water and H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide; they have very different chemical properties, because hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent and water is not.

Does hydrogen and oxygen create a compound?

Hydrogen and oxygen forms the compound water - H2O. In addition Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 is also a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

What the balance of H2O2 H2O O2?


Is H2O2 an element or a compound?

H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) is a compound.

Balance h2o2 h2o o2?

The balanced equation for this decomposition reaction is 2 H2O2 -> 2 H2O + O2.

What is the difference between H2O2 and H2O?

The difference between H2O2 and H2O is, H2O is water and is drinkable but H2O2 has a second atom of Oxygen so it is no longer Water or drinkable, because it was chemically changed to Hydrogen Peroxide.