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Q: Is maple wood environmentally friendly
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What is an environmentally friendly door material?

wood, metal, plastic, either of these

Why is wood an environmentally friendly product?

Could be considered environmentally friendly because it eventually decays and becomes a natural fertilizer. It could also be considered environmentally unfriendly because it decays and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

How is flat-pack furniture environmentally friendly or good for the environment?

Much flat-pack furniture is made from particle board, a manufactured product made from wood particles and resin. As with all wood products, the environment-friendly nature comes from the origin of the wood. If the wood is waste products from sustainable forestry then it may be somewhat environmentally friendly.

How is helicopters environmentally friendly?

How are they not environmentally friendly

Are diamonds environmentally friendly?

No mining operation is environmentally friendly.

Is wind environmentally friendly?

Yes, wind power is environmentally friendly.

Why is tesco environmentally friendly?

it is not environmentally friendly thirs nothing friendly about tesco thy lie

Why are man made boards environmentally friendly?

They are friendly because they use waste materials to form a perfectly usable piece of wood...hope this helps!

Is wind power environmentally friendly?

Yes, wind power is environmentally friendly.

Are featherbed environmentally friendly?

They are environmentally friendly because its only feathers and cloth.

Are subzero refrigerators environmentally friendly?

You are able to purchase some subzero refrigerators that are environmentally friendly. There is a lot of information on the internet about the brands that are environmentally friendly.

Are passat cars environmentally friendly?

The VW Passat car is voted one of the most environmentally friendly car of the year. The car runs on an environmentally friendly gas (Methane). It is considered one of the most environmentally friendly European car.