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Phosphate is a chemical group with the formula R3PO4 where R represents a generally reduced chemical group such as a methyl group or a Hydrogen atom for covalent Phosphate compounds and PO4(-3) for the Phosphate anion with 4 Oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a central Phosphorus atom with 3 negatively charged electrons shared between the four Oxygen atoms. Phosphide is an anion where Phosphorus has three electrons bound to it. It is an extremely strong base in contrast to Phosphate which is a significantly weaker base. Phosphide is also a very strong reducing agent.

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10y ago

Fertilizers will only contain the phosphate form of phosphorus, they will never contain the elemental form of pure phosphorus (which is highly flammable).

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Phosphorus is a chemical element (P); phosphide is the anion P(3-).

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Q: Is phosphate and phosphorus the same in fertilizer?
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What element is used as phosphate fertilizer?

Phosphate fertilizer is a compound, not an element. The compound contains phosphorus.

What form of phosphorus does fertilizer usually contain?

Phosphate salts

What is a mineral used to make fertilizer?

Fertilizer often contains minerals including iron and potassium.

Is serum phosphorus the same as serum phosphate?

Yes it is.!

Who do we sell phosphorus to?

The primary use of phosphorus is in fertilizer, so we sell phosphorus to fertilizer manufacturers.

What is phosphate pollution?

Phosphate pollution is a condition where there is too much phosphorus in lakes and streams, as a result from poor timing on fertilizer application. In some cases, phosphorus can leach from grass clippings to create the same effect. When too much phosphorus enters lakes and streams, it can cause algae blooms. Algae blooms block sunlight from reaching the fish and other aquatic plants, and the aquatic life dies.

Is super phosphate a nitrogenous fertilizer?

No. It doesn't contain any nitrogen. It contains 8.8% phosphorus (P) and 11 % sulfur (S) as sulfate.

What is the Hybridization for phosphorus in phosphate?

Even i want to ask the same question

Is phosphate a rock?

Phosphate is not a rock.It is:A salt or ester of phosphoric acid.A fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds.A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water with flavored syrup.

What is apatite rock?

Apatite rock belongs to the Phosphate mineral group. Its primary use is in the production of fertilizer as a source of phosphorus and it is occasionally used as a gemstone.

Is fertilizer an application of phosphorus?

some fertilizer is.

What is the formula for Dipotassium Phosphate?

It is a very water-soluble salt which is often used as a fertilizer, food additive and buffering agent.It is a common source of phosphorus and potassium.