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Q: Is spreading sea plates pulling apart?
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What is spreading in regards to geology?

Spreading is generally thought of when speaking of sea-floor spreading. Sea-floor spreading takes place at the mid-ocean ridge where two oceanic plates are spreading/pulling apart from one another.

At what boundary does sea-floor spreading occur?

Consider. In sea-floor spreading, the plates are spreading apart; in other words diverging. So sea-floor spreading occurs at a divergent boundary,

What is called when sea-floor spreading occurs and pull away from each other under the sea?

It creates a mid ocean ridge, the two plates pulling apart is called a divergent boundary.

What a spreading center and what is made at one?

Sea floor spreading 2 oceanic plates coming apart

Does two plates moving apart cause sea floor spreading?

yes it does, floor spreading caused by shifting techtonic plates in active ocean

What would you call sea plates pulling away?

This would be called sea floor spreading, apparent at divergent boundaries.

How does the movement of tectonic plates and continents relate?

When the plates drift apart through sea floor spreading, so do the continents

How sea floor spreading provides a mechanism by which continents move?

The fact that plates move apart means that the plates will carry anything.

What is the relationship between platetectonics and seafloor spreading?

Plate tectonics is the theory that earth is made of plates that move slowly. Sea floor spreading is related to this because the split created in the sea floor is created by the plates moving apart.

What is the process by which lithospheric plates move apart creating spaces that are filled with hot magma is called?

sea floor spreading

Why does sea floor spreading have to happen in the sea?

Because of plate tectonics. Because it's 2 plates underwater that are moving apart. Magma rise up to where the 2 plates are separating to fill in the gap. Seafloor spreading occurs underwater.

Sea-floor spreading occurs in places where two plates are doing what?

Diverging, by moving apart/away and separating from one another.