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The new findings suggest that prior to coming to Europe, Homo sapiens had developed "modern" behavior. It would still be a number of generations, however, for other major advances to be made such as the formation of villages, which developed in the post-glacial period around 13,000 years ago, and the domestication of crops, which began around 9,000 years ago according to current theories.

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Q: Is the earth currently experiencing a warm period called interglacial period?
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Which period of an ice age are you in currently?

We are currently in an interglacial period within the ice age which started about 2.6 million years ago.

Was there an ice age 120 thousand years ago?

The Earth was in an interglacial period of warming called the Sangamon Interglacial at this time period. The Illinois glaciation preceded it, and the Wisconsin episode of glaciation followed it. We are currently in an interglacial period known as the Holocene.

Is the climate currently considered to be in an ice age?

Technically, yes. Ice ages are not continuous periods of cold, but rather have cycles of colder glacial periods and warmer interglacial periods. We are currently in an interglacial period.

What The time period between ice ages is called?


What is the time between ice ages called?

A warm period. But have a crack at "interglacial" in wikipedia.

Are you in the Quaternary Period?

Yes. We currently live in an "interglacial period" of the Quaternary Ice Age. Some people confuse "ice age" with a "glacial period" within an ice age.

What does interglacial mean?

Adjective:Of or relating to a period of milder climate between two glacial periods. Noun:An interglacial period.

Why aren't glaciers on continents today?

Because we are currently in an interglacial period of geological history, primarily due to variations in the Earth's orbit.

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What is the difference about glaciation and an interglacial period?

Glaciations are the times during which glaciers grew and covered large parts of continents. An interglacial period is a geological time between glaciations.

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