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Q: Is the sun hot enough to heat the earth and give light to the planets?
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Does the moon earth planets or sun give off their own light?

Yes, it does and it reflects light onto other planets making stars.

What planets produce their own light?

No, planets don't give off light, stars did.

True or false a planet is a body that gives off light of it owns?

A planet only reflects light from a star like our Sun. Earth is a planet and from experience it does not shine. Stars give off their own light.

Which give off its own light planets or moon or star?

STARS give off their own light. THey are giant nuclear reactors. The PLANETS & MOONS onlt reflact that light from the star. The SUN is out nearest star. Oue Moon only reflect that sunlight back to Earth.

Do planets give us light?


How can you see mars when it doesn't give out light?

You see Mars the same way you see the other planets such as Jupiter or Venus; the same way that you see ANYTHING. Light from the Sun shines on all the planets just as it does on Earth, and the reflected light from Mars comes back to your eye here on Earth.

What planet does not gives off its own light?

Planets dont give off light therefore all planets dont give off its own light

Does Neptune or its moons give off light?

Planets and Moons only reflect light, they do not 'give off light'.

The sun is hot enough the heat the earth and give light to the plants?

Please type in a question in English

What is the difference between planets and stars in the night sky?

Stars give off light whereas planets reflect light.

Why are planets in the solar system visible from earth even though they don't give out light?

Nearby planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars can be seen form earth through naked eye. But their visibility is low and are seen only during special occasions.

How does earth give out light on its own?

Earth reflects light from the sun, it doesn't give out light as a star would.