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There is no news of a hurricane coming through Texas In August of 2014.

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Q: Is there a hurricane headed to Houston Texas within the last week of August 2014?
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What day did hurricane Rita hit Louisiana?

No. Hurricane Katrina struck in August 2005 while Hurricane Wilma hit in October.

How close is a hurricane in a hurricane watch?

A hurricane watch means hurricane conditions are possible within the next 48 hours.

What was the name if the last hurricane within the 2010 year?

The last named hurricane in 2010 was Hurricane Tomas.

Has a tornado ever hit a hurricane?

No, but, the storms within a hurricane do produce tornadoes.

How soon is a hurricane expected after a hurricane warning is issued?

Within 36 hours

Why is it that a hurricane can reach New york yet Guyana has never had a hurricane?

Because Guyana is not within the Hurricane belt

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When is hurricane warning issued?

When a hurricane is expected to strike an area within 24-36 hours.

Is there high pressure at the surface located within the eye of a hurricane?

No. Pressure in the eye of a hurricane is low.

Was hurricane rita right before hurricane Katrina?

No. Hurricane Rita came a few weeks after Hurricane Katrina. A good way to remember is that within a hurricane season the names always go in alphabetical order.

Is a hurricane watch worse than a hurricane warning?

No. A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours. A hurricane warning means hurricane conditions are expected in the next 36 hours. So a warning indicates a greater danger.

Where is the Hurricane Megazord cockpit at?

The Hurricane Megazord cockpit is located within the head part that the Ninja Firebird makes up.