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What are Young-Earth Creationist scientific proofs and are they tenable?

Not only do young earth creation scientists have plenty of evidence, much of the evidence they have comes from accepted mainstream science. Thus if it is contended (although totally without any examples) that creation scientists do not have proofs, then one is simply ignoring mainstream science, much of which is produced by scientists who believe in evolution. Mainstream science (in terms of the evidence not the personal beliefs of evolutionists against the evidence) does not support evolutionary beliefs no matter how many times it is stated 'evolution is a proven fact.' Saying this and it actually being so are two totally different things.The evidence which YEC's have is both positive and negative. Positive, in the sense that the evidence points positively to a creator. Negative, in that there is plenty of evidence which refutes the errors of evolution. It is also comprehensive as well in that it covers every conceivable area of scientific endeavor, including evidence relating to the age of the earth and universe, since the age issue is a key difference in ideology between the two positions.Some Evidence for the Young-Earth Creationist Position:Since this is a big issue it is difficult to summarize in a small section. However here are some of the key arguments:Laws of Science (with no known exception) such as the Law of biogenesis (life only comes from life) and the Second Law of Thermodynamics (the law of entropy) do not support evolution.The fossil record does not demonstrate the millions of intermediate forms but instead 'stasis'. That is organisms stay the same over alleged multi millions of years of evolutionary time, even including into species that are still living today.Genetics also shows that there are definite limits to change. No known mechamism exists to create new genetic information for one organism to change into something else. Mutations demonstrate a 'downhill' path and natural selection works on existing genetic information and cannot add new genetic instructions. This all points to the existence of an all-wise creator who not only created the information but the means by which the information could be understood and translated into characteristics of an organism.Biochemistry demonstrates the impossibility of life, even the simplest form of life coming from non-living chemicals. Life is a creation not an accident.Summary:These arguments although highly simplified are all scientifically tenable.Rebuttal of previous points"Evolution contradicts the second law" - this is complete nonsense. The second law says that in closed systems, entropy increases. First and foremost, biological systems and our planet are not closed at all. Huge amounts of energy go in and out every second. Even assuming that the solar system is a closed system, this says nothing about a subsystem of it; the local decrease in entropy in your body is more than made up by the later increase as energy is released and by the mere functioning of the sun. Even besides all that, evolution is just one aspect of life; this argument can only say that either no life is possible, or that all life must be allowed. It says nothing about one specific mechanism of life.The "law of biogenesis" - is not a law as so faithfully stated. The Miller-Urey experiment shows that it is perfectly possible to develop self-replicating molecules from complex organic molecules from simple organic molecules from simple compounds and elements, perfectly within the environment known to have existed during and around the time of life's first appearances."Fossils records show stasis, not evolution" - as amatter of fact, they show both. The original hypothesis of gradual but minute change has been replaced by the "punctuated equilibirium" theory, which specifically states that organisms remain quite similar for huge periods of time, then are affected by some circumstance which forces natural selection on a massive scale and in a comparatively short period of time (e.g. a few million years after a stable period of 20 million years).Mutations - are the obvious mechanism of new information formation, which is denied to exist. Information is altered from what it originally was during the phases of replication and of "zipping up". As quite plainly stated in many science textbooks, mutations are "often harmless, sometimes lethal, but also sometimes beneificial". All of these imply the key word "different" - different from what the would have, should have and could have been."God did it" - is a completely and inherently unscientific claim, which simply demonstrates how the position of creationists is based on religious (and often political) motives, not scientific ones.Summary: These arguments are false. Their supporters make stuff up to appear correct.