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They are electrically attract each other and form hydrogen bonds. One of the strongest intermolecular forces.

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are joined together by hydrogen bonds.

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Q: Most of waters unique properties result from the fact that water molecules?
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Why does salt sink in water?

Water is often referred to as a universal solvent because many substances dissolve in it. These unique properties of water result from the ways in which individual H2O molecules interact with each other. Salt is one subsatances that will dissolve in water rather that sink in the bottom.

What are waters properties affected by?

Temperature and pressure.

The of water molecules and the hydrogen bonds between water molecules explain most of the waters life supporting properties?

Water is a polar molecule with several unique properties: its high specific heat, the high heat of vaporization, the process of evaporative cooling, and it's strong surface tension are all emergent from the formation of hydrogen bonds.

What are Waters amazing properties?

It has no color, taste, or scent.

What characteristic is responsible for many of waters properties?

Hydrogen Bonds

Is water made of atoms or molecules?

Waters is made of molecules. Each of those molecules contains 3 atoms.

What was unique about John Waters' movie Polyester?

It was filmed in Odorama

What is unique about water's bonding characteristics?

The bonds incredible strength, Not only are the hydrogen bonds in water very strong but H20 molecules also attract to each other very tight. this can be seen in the waters surface tension strength.

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What accounts for waters properties of adhesion and cohesion?

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Why is evaporation greater over warm waters?

The movement of molecules increase when the temperature increase; some molecules at the water surface can escape as a gas.