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Q: Movements following a major earthquake often produce smaller earthquakes called?
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Do Tsunamis produce earthquakes?

no the earthquake produces the tsunami

What or which of the above boundaries can produce earthquake's at which of those is the largest earthquakes produced?

Transform boundaries produce the largest earthquakes.

How faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the stress energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces.

How do you measure earthquakes winds?

You don't. An earthquake is the shaking of the ground. It does not produce wind.

Can an earthquake produce a tsunami?

Yes. In fact most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes.

How can a vampire produce an earthquake?

Vampires are fictional monsters and are not real. They have absolutely no effects on earthquakes.

What type of fault causes earthquakes?

Subduction Zones and Transform faults can produce Earthquakes.

How are volcanoes and earthquakes the same?

Earthquakes and volcanoes can both make the ground shake. Both of these natural disasters also cause an extreme amount of damage. A volcano is different from an earthquake in the fact that they produce lava.

What type of earthquake causes the most human injury and damage?

earthquakes that produce more horizontal

Why do most earthquakes occur near tectonic plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

Can an earthquake on the ocean floor produce a tornado?

No, an earthquake on the ocean floor can cause a tsunami (a series of large waves). Earthquakes do not influence weather events such as tornadoes.

Why not all movement along faults produce earthquakes?

Faults DO NOT produce earthquakes, faults are produced by earthquakes. This means that earthquake loci are centered on and along faults. The energy released by an earthquake is the strain energy built up as a result of plate tectonic forces. Some faults move easily and thus no strain energy builds up.