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No this is a chemical change- sodium reacts with chlorine gas to form sodium chloride and a lot of heat.

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Q: Sodium metal in chlorine gas releases energy is it a physical property?
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Is sodium cloride a physical property or a chemical property?

Neither, Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is a salt (table salt) made by reacting the metal Sodium with the Gas Chlorine. The substance, Sodium Chloride, has both physical and chemical properties but is not a property itself.

Are properties of sodium chlorine similar to sodium or chlorine?

It's sodium chloride if you're talking about the compound NaCl. And no, the property of the compound will not be the same as the property of either of the elements.

Is sodium a chemical or physical property?

Its a physical

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What is the physical state of sodium chlorine at room temperature?

Crystalline solid. the combination of sodium and chlorine is sodium chloride, also known as table salt.

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Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, and Chlorine

Is sodium chloride a chemical or physical property?

Sodium chloride is a chemical compound (NaCl), not a property.

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What is one way sodium and chlorine are different?

A chemical difference is that sodium reacts with water to make an alkali, and chlorine plus water give acids. A physical difference is that sodium is a solid at room temperature and chlorine is a gas.

Is the change between sodium and chlorine a physical change or chemical?


Is sodium metal exploding in water a physical property?

no - it is a chemical property

Is sodium melts at 98 C a physical property?

Melting is a physical change.