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The only real characteristic that metamorphic rocks share is that they are formed by heat and pressure. Granite warps and twists and becomes schist; shale is compressed and heated and becomes slate... etc.

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Q: The most common charactristic of metamorphic rock is?
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The most common metamorphic rock made from granite?


Is basalt a metamorphic rock?

Basalt is not a metamorphic rock but an igneous rock, usually dark-colored. It is the most common type of volcanic rock on Earth.

What is the most common metamorphic rock that is made by granite?

Granite gneiss.

Which would be easier to carve into a statue -a sedimentary or a metamorphic rock?

A metamorphic rock is easier to carve into a statue compared to a sedimentary rock. The most common rock that is used in sculpture is marble.

What is a common structure of metamorphic rock?

The common structure of a metamorphic rock is that there are several pieces of different types of minerals, sand, rock, or glass.

What is commonly found in metamorphic rock?

A texture know as foliation is common in metamorphic rock and garnets are more commonly found in metamorphic rock than other rock types of the crust.

Metamorphic rocks are probably the most common rock type found in the Earth's crust?


What rock is formed when limestone goes under metamorphic change?

Marble is a rock formed by the metamorphism of limestone.

Are fossils the most characteristic that is common to metamorphic rocks?

No, metamorphic rock is not conducive to preserving fossils because of the high pressures and temperatures it has been subjected to that destroys organic matter. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock.

What type of rock is most likely to form in an earthquake zone?

A metamorphic rock is most likely to form in an earthquake zone.

Where do Most metamorphic rock forms?

heat and pressure beneath Earth's surface can change a rock into metamorphic rock.

What 2 things are metamorphic rocks formed from?

Heat and pressure are the most common cause of metamorphism of rock.