

Best Answer

The head cosists out of three parts:

  • Phosphorous acid
  • Choline
  • Glycine
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Q: The phosphate heads of a phospholipid are what?
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What is Phosphate heads?

also can be known as polar head since phosphate is polar found in phospholipid bilayer also can be known as polar head since phosphate is polar found in phospholipid bilayer Was this right? i would like to know...

Is cholesterol a phospholipid?

No it is in fact not a phospholipid just a lipid. A phospholipid needs a phosphate group and cholesterols molecular formula is C-27 H-46 O and with no Phosphate it can not be a phospholipid.

What makes the head of a phospholipid?

Phosphate molecules.

Does the plasma membrane have a double layer?

Yes, that is why it is also referred to as a phospholipid bilayer.

Is the plasma memebrane a single-layered membrane?

No. Plasma membranes are a phospholipid bilayer with one end that likes water and one that is repelled by water. The phosphate portions are "heads" and line up on the outsides with the "heads" on the outsides.

The polar head of a phospholipid is made of what molecules?

Phospholipids are made up of both water loving, and water repelling materials. They head, which is made of glycerol, is water repelling and therefore forms the outer and inner parts of the cell, away from the water. Where as the tails are made up of fatty acids that are water loving and point in between the heads, and into the water between the two glycerol layers.

What is each phospholipid made up of?

Phospholipid heads are made of a glyceride with a phosphate group.

The phosphate group of a phospholipid?

The phosphate group of a phospholipid consist of which a. hydrophobic, b. hydrophilic, c. poloar, d. nonpolar, or e. both B and C

What is polar head of a phospholipid is made of?

Phosphate molecules.

What is the significance of the phosphate group in a phospholipid?

I believe the phosphate give the phospholipid a polar region which allows it to interact with water (also polar). This is the basis for the formation of the lipid bilayer.

How does a phospholipid in water?

The phosphate head mixes with water; the fatty acid tails do not.When put in water, a phospholipid's head repels water, and is commonly said to be hydrophobic.Phospholipids, being polar, form hydrophilic heads or small lipid vesicles when paced in water.

Why is the phosphate the polar part of the phosphilipid?

The phospholipid heads are hydrophillic and prefer the water while the tails are hydrophobic and are shielded from the water.