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Q: The pressure gradient force causes air to flow from areas of relatively pressure to areas of relatively pressure?
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What causes some winds to be strong and some winds to be weak?

pressure gradient forces high in low pressure areas?

What influences the direction in which the wind moves?

Wind flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. The Coriolis effect influences wind direction by deflecting its path to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to the left in the Southern hemisphere.

What atmospheric pressure causes hurricanes?

Hurricanes form from areas of low atmospheric pressure.

What do you call the rate at which air pressure changes between high and low pressure areas?

The pressure gradient, which would be expressed as some unit of pressure change (usually millibars but sometimes inches of mercury) per some unit of distance (usually kilometer).The pressure gradient is roughly proportional to wind speed, so sharper pressure gradients mean stronger winds.

How do convection cells in Earth's atmosphere cause high pressure belts?

Areas of rising air causes low air pressure areas where as areas of sinking air are areas of high air pessure.

What type of energy causes all winds and breezes?

Air pressure is the type of energy that causes all winds and breezes. When horizontal differences in parcels of air occur, it generates wind. The flow of the air travels from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure.

Do fronts occur in areas of high pressure?

No, not really. Winds tend to blow out of the High pressure areas to low pressure areas. This causes the clouds to follow the winds and that is the reason why you would expect a nice sunny weather when a high pressure area moves over you.

What kind of map might diagrams of air pressure?

A diagram of air pressure could be represented on a weather map. This map would use isobars - lines that connect areas with the same atmospheric pressure - to show areas of high and low pressure. The spacing of the isobars indicates the strength of the pressure gradient, which affects wind speed and direction.

What causes a sound wave?

the alternating areas of quickly moving high and low pressure

What is meant by the term gradient?

Difference in concentration of a substance at 2 areas is called gradient , and it allows diffusion .

What factors contribute to global winds and identify weak areas?

The factors that influence wind are pressure gradient, Rossby waves and jet streams, and local weather conditions.

How do particles move?

Some materials move by diffusion. Diffusion is the process in which molecules spread out, or move from areas where there are many molecules, to areas where there are fewer of them. == It depends on the particles. Brownian motion is what causes very small particles to move in a fluid. On a smaller scale, osmotic pressure, ionic gradient and some others.