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No, atoms of like charge do not combine to form molecules. Stable molecules are formed when oppositely charged atoms combine. For example, a chloride ion might combine with a positive ion such as sodium to form a compound, but never another chloride ion (because like charges repel).

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Q: Two chlorine ions are negatively charged will they combine to make a molecule?
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They combine to form ionic bond.These bonds are strong.

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A nonpolar covalent bond forms when two chlorine atoms combine to form a chlorine (Cl2) molecule.

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Table salt is formed when the of sodium and chlorine combine?

when the (molecules) of ... When the atoms of sodium and chlorine combine to form NaCl or the salt molecule,it forms a harmless chemical reaction. we are doing it in my science class..... im confused to.

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Only the molecule NaCl is possible.

Why is sodium chloride electrically neutral?

A sodium atom has 11 protons and electrons and a chlorine atom has 17 protons and electrons. When they combine, sodium loses an electron, and chlorine gains the electron sodium lost. Now, sodium has 10 electrons and 11 protons, making it positively charged. Chlorine on the other hand, now has 18 electrons and 17 protons, making it negatively charged. Sodium has a +1 charge, and chlorine has a -1 charge. Both charges cancel out, making it have no charge.

What is Cl2 in the periodic table?

Cl2 does not appear in the periodic table because it is not an element. Cl2 (chlorine gas) is a molecule formed when two atoms of Cl (elemental chlorine) combine.