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The Natural Resources are geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and wind power. These are important because they produce efficient energy and most important of all they are renewable.

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Q: What are Americas natural resources and why are they important?
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What movement was determined to protect Americas natural resources?

Conservation Movement

What action increased Americas supply of natural resources?

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Greatly increased Americas supply of natural resources?

The purchase of Alaska from Russia by William Seward expanded the United States' supply of Natural Resources.

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There are a few natural resources that is important to the Europe's. The natural resources are physical geography, environment and humans.

Why are the natural resources in Venezuela important?

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Petroleum is one of Mexico natural resources but not the most important

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Buffalo and water were the most important Natural Resources for the Great Plains Indians.

What important natural resources are present in the region?

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Why are important natural resources important in Asia?

Rivers are very important Natural Resources in Asia for a few reasons. Rivers supply fish and water to the people of Asia.