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Allowing industries with polluting processes to stay in business w/o cleaning up their mess.

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Q: What are humans doing to make acid rain worse?
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What does fermentation make in humans?

Lactic acid

Can drinking tea bring on acid reflux?

Two foods primarily make acid reflux worse: acid foods and alcoholic beverages. Regular tea has acid in it, so will be a problem if you have acid reflux. Coffee is worse, and soda pop is really bad. Orange juice, tomato products are bad, too.

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How much coke or vinegar to take for acid reflux?

Coke and vinegar are both acidic, and so would make your acid reflux worse.

How can humans make diseases worse?

People can make heart disease worser by drinking too much alcohol

What are you humans doing to the blue whale to make it endangered?

Killing them. With harpoons!

What does to shoot oneself in the foot mean?

It means to make a situation worse by doing something that you really didn't have to do.

What is the physiological role of citric acid in humans?

Citric acid is a bitter crystalline acid. It can be found in most sour fruits. Citric acid can reduce fatigue, and it can also make stress go away.

Do humans make Venus Flytraps better or worse?

Worse. Here are a few reasons why... - We pollute the atmosphere. - We are responsible for the loss of plant's habitats. - We are taking them from their normal habitats and bringing them to native countries.

Is milk is good or bad for uric acid?

if you are asking about uric acid pains, milk acts as a pain-stopping agent, but it does not have a positive affect about stopping the actual acid pain, and it may make it worse. if you are talking about normal function, it is healthy.

How does lactic acid fermentation affect humans?

It can make that person lactic acid fermentation which is basically like when someone is allergic to wheat, they can't eat certain foods.